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We rummaged through the archives once, and it turned out that the good Dr. Frankenstein, in addition to creating the ideal person, also worked on the “Ideal Psychologist” project. The research was carried out on a large-scale, fundamental basis, but the notes do not explain whether it reached the stage of a working prototype. Here are the criteria-parameters that were planned to be darned live into one body, character, image: Smile - oh, he must always work positively. For anyone to look at him, it’s as if he’s washed himself with spring water. Severity and decorum are like those of the biblical prophets or the portraits of old writers in school textbooks. Mental health is a serious matter. It requires seriousness, thoroughness, respectable age and a noble beard with gray hair. Traces of suffering and adversity on the forehead - the psychologist must experience the most severe spiritual dramas. Come out of them (not completely come out!) pretty beaten, but not completely broken. After all, the well-fed do not understand the hungry. And the boots for shoemakers are not at all appropriate. A white robe - with a stethoscope, casually peeking out of the pocket. Ah, the best thing would be a general's uniform! So that hope, the father of the native problem, orders to self-destruct while the match burns. But we understand, dreams are dreams... so, at least, a doctor’s guise. Such and such will not give the cockroaches any spiritual relief, he will prescribe them bitter castor oil on the first day. The holy hermit is alien to bodily weaknesses. He eats the Holy Spirit, muesli and salad without salt and oil. Preserves bodily innocence as a guarantee of purity of thoughts and actions. And he doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t swear. Sometimes he accepts money, but very reluctantly, lamenting inside that he has to defile his hands with “devil’s dung.” An exemplary family man - Happily married, but without excessive passion, which is not appropriate for a person in such a respectable profession. Has 2-3 children – no more, but no less! The number of grandchildren is not regulated, but it would be good if one of them necessarily studied in the cadet corps or in the naval school. He lives in a private house or apartment, but then regularly disappears at the dacha. A good colleague - I agree with all the psychologists in the community. He always gives in if his opinion differs from the collective one. In extreme cases, he does not completely repaint, but makes a compromise, emphasizing that he is most likely mistaken anyway. Technological cretinism is a sweet and cozy helplessness in the world of modern technologies (computers, gadgets, the Internet). To the very topic, if, when they fall into the hands of a psychologist, complex electronic devices immediately burn out and deteriorate irrevocably. This testifies to the special spiritual strength and purity of the specialist. Physical impairment is a prerequisite for completeness and ideality for a psychologist. But not so strong that a pair of limbs is missing, but moderate, local. Thick glasses, a lisp, a missing finger, lameness, etc. I don’t know if you have a certain image of an ideal psychologist after reading this Frankenstein letter. For me, it’s not very good. Therefore, I decided not to strive for this pedestal. It’s better that I’m not ideal, but I’ll remain a fairly good psychologist and a living person! What features of the Ideal Psychologist have not been found in the archives? How do you correspond or would you like to correspond to the described portrait? Write in the comments, is an ideal psychologist needed in principle? Your reliable psychologist, Oleg Kolmychok. Phone: +7 (964) 915-00-17 Skype: kolm52 This article is heartily echoed: Cyber ​​psychologist: tactics, skills, arsenal. A complete checklist for successful online counseling. A psychologist is not a doctor!!! 7 very powerful arguments that I tried to explain to everyone anew... 7 more types of epic avatars + a simple recipe for the perfect photo of a psychologist on b17 To quickly and regularly receive all my new valuable articles, notes and recordings, subscribe right now! PS Each of your thanks inspires me to write new ones – even more interesting and useful articles! Thank you very much for your support!!!
