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Want to change your life for the better and faster? Easily. Stop thinking! Yes, it’s as simple as that, stop thinking. Your life today is the result of your thoughts yesterday. And tomorrow too. And no esotericism. We will always make decisions based on experience, from what we see, hear, feel, understand. Decision-action-result. It's simple. Your understandable, fairly predictable life is written according to ready-made templates. If you are not happy with your life today, then you shouldn’t think about it. This does not solve anything, but only makes everything worse. Continuing to spin problematic patterns in my head. Nowadays they really write a lot about how to change your thoughts so that your life changes. It works. But it is difficult. I often encounter this in practice. People do not have the patience or strength to eradicate all limiting beliefs and replace them with new positive thoughts. There is an easy way to quickly make positive changes in your life. Just stop thinking! Seriously. (You still won’t be able to completely stop this process without certain conditions). At least once a day. At least for a couple of minutes. You have no idea what amazing results this technique gives. Start feeling. Your body, tastes, sounds, colors. Listen, take a closer look, without verbal description of what you see and hear. Simply perceive the world with all five senses. Without words. At least for 30 seconds. You will feel freedom and lightness. If you practice “not thinking” for several days in a row, positive changes in your life will begin. Take every opportunity not to think. When you eat, take a bath, inhale the aroma of coffee or look at the clouds. Many processes do not need commenting. You will be surprised, but your affairs will begin to improve after just a couple of days of this practice. We’ll talk about how to launch more fundamental changes and change the patterns in your head another time. It's a long time. For now, just stop your thoughts. And feel the positive results today! All the best!
