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From the author: Source of this article: SLEEP, like health in general, is taken by people for granted. As long as it is easy, no one has any reason to think about it. But for millions of people, getting a good night's sleep is not easy, and the reasons for this are much more serious and complex than one might expect. Insomnia is so widespread in our society today that millions of us lie awake at night, worrying, mentally balancing our debts and receipts, or replaying arguments and misunderstandings in your head until in the end all you can do is get up and turn on the TV. We are definitely a country of people sleeping restlessly these days. Judging by the number of prescriptions for sleeping pills, and every year the growing list of drugs that help you sleep, the unimaginable variety of drugs that help you sleep, insomnia can be considered the most widespread problem. Currently in Russia, according to statistics, every third adult periodically experiences sleep problems. Every year, 10 million Americans consult a doctor about sleep, and about half of them are prescribed sleeping pills. A study conducted by the Institute of Health back in 1980 found that 17% of the general population were seriously concerned about the problem of insomnia, and this percentage was higher among older adults: One in four people over sixty years of age complained of serious sleep problems. And if problems arise with sleep, it means that one of the main functions of the human body, the normal occurrence of which we took for granted, turns into a source of anxiety and suffering. It is likely that right now you are surrounded by sleepy people. Many of them drive cars or operate highly sensitive equipment, sit in offices or answer phones. It seems that they simply cannot get a good night's sleep, or believe that they cannot (the psychological effect is the same). Many of these people are older, but a significant percentage are young. Age and Insomnia There is a perception that older people need less sleep. Insomnia in older people is taken for granted, but this happens only because it is especially widespread among older people, and not because it is a natural process. Likewise, college students may seem like a relatively good (from a sleep perspective) social group that simply stays awake at night by choice. But in fact, between the ages of 17 and 25, the biological need for healthy sleep is greater than at any time since infancy. So, if young people are depriving themselves of sleep, it is most likely a consequence of social or academic pressure, and also misconceptions and wrong lifestyle. Both young and old people nowadays consume significant amounts of alcohol. But when alcohol (even a small amount) is consumed by a person suffering from chronic insomnia, the effect of alcohol on the body increases so much that one bottle of beer can have the same destructive effect on health and sleep as an entire box. We do not know of a single person who who has not experienced insomnia at least once in his life, and we have had a number of clients who regularly experience serious sleep problems. And we are happy to say that we also do not know a single person who could not be helped to finally solve their sleep problems. You can expect immediate improvement, even if you have been deprived of a healthy night's sleep for many years. The cause of insomnia is the existence of unresolved problems in your life. Before we tell you how to get rid of insomnia reliably and permanently, we would like to share the understanding of the problem of sleep, which we have developed on the basis of many years of successful.
