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Mahabharata: “Whatever karma a person has earned in his previous lives, he must personally, personally, also experience the consequences.” “There are three worlds on the planet where we live: the world of mortals , the world of higher beings and the world of gods. Ordinary people whose entire existence is focused on earning money, eating and procreating children belong to the world of mortals (manushya), people who have renounced their desires, those who devote themselves to doing good to the world belong to the world of higher beings (pitra), those who enlighten the world and become leaders of high culture belong to the world of gods (deva).” K.-N. Rao “can we say that this or that case or situation in which a person finds himself is entirely his karma?... After all, often a meeting with a burdened person is, precisely, our karma, and by refusing to help him , we thereby burden ourselves. We must extend a helping hand where our heart tells us...” Letters from Helena Roerich “In every life, a person can extinguish that part of the old karma that will overtake him in this incarnation, and, of course, he will immediately begin a new karma, but with an expanded consciousness, he will be able to quickly outlive the karma he has accumulated, and the new karma generated by him will be of the highest quality. In addition, the old karma will no longer be so terrible, because purified thinking and, therefore, a purified aura react completely differently to return blows. And in this way a person can get out of the seemingly vicious circle of karma... Individual karma is always the main, fundamental one. .I. Roerich “The Universe is governed by the unshakable law of justice, the law of karma” Karmic astrology, S.V. Shestopalov. Information about our karma is both in the natal and in the karmic chart. The karmic map is constructed simply: a map is drawn for the date of birth, where the Ascending Node is placed on the Ascendant and the Ascendant on the right. 1. The nodes in a certain sign provide information about the order of incarnation of one cycle, consisting of 12 incarnations. The Ascending Node in Pisces is the beginning of a round of incarnations, and the Ascending Node in Aries is the last incarnation of the cycle of the next round of incarnations. The final incarnation (Ascending Node in Aries) and the first incarnation of the next cycle (Ascending Node in Pisces) differ significantly, in the last incarnation more freedom is given, and the person who has the honor of completing such a long cycle has the opportunity to draw a line, sum up the accumulated experience, received by individuals over the previous eleven lives. Each successive incarnation has its own specific karmic task, determined by both the natal house and the zodiac sign. 2. The cusp of the 4th house of natality in a certain element gives information about how much time could have passed since the last incarnation: - the cusp of the 4th house of natality in fire means that the incarnation after death took place years later; - the cusp of the 4th house in the air means that the incarnation was relatively quick (from several years to decades); - the cusp of the 4th house of natal in water, the distance between incarnations is hundreds of years; - the cusp of the 4th house of natal in the earth, the distance between incarnations is estimated at thousands of years or more. When communicating with a person whose cusp is in water or earth, their difference from other people is striking; the difference is associated with a special perception of our modern world, its modern morality, or rather the lack thereof. In karmic astrology S.V. Shestopalova notes that you should pay attention to the planets in the 4th house, “the luminaries located in the 4th house of natality indicate circumstances and activities in the previous incarnation.” “A special role is given to the Lunar Nodes, where the Ascending Node is the point of realization of our karma, and its position in the houses of the birth horoscope indicates through which areas of life and life circumstances this realization occurs.” Next, the karmic map is distributed among houses, from 1 to 12, where each house has a specific key for interpretation: The most important house is the first house, which determines the karmic task of the current incarnation. When interpreting the karmic horoscopeIt should be remembered that karma can be negative (karma of punishment) and positive karma (karma of retribution), where harmonious aspects are proof of karma of retribution, and tense aspects in a karmic map are signs of a negative map, a sign of debts in a certain area of ​​life (partners, children, parents, work, friends, etc.) Natal outlines the framework of our current destiny, and the karmic map explains the reasons for these frameworks, the reasons for material wealth or material adversity, the reasons for health or ill health, the reasons for childlessness or the reasons for problems with children or partners. Important to know reasons for restrictions in fate in some area of ​​life, it is probably important to realize the root cause of the problems before hitting the closed door of the sphere of fate with a crowbar. Sometimes such awareness is the key to such a karmic lock, awareness of the root cause of negative karma becomes an important impulse in solving karmic restrictions. Reading a karmic map is like turning the first key in the lock of your destiny. The key to a closed door to the sphere of life on which the lock weighs can be found in the karmic map, you just need to make an effort. Karmic houses: 1st house - the karmic task that faces the spirit in the current incarnation and indicates that facet of the spirit that has yet to be sharpened For example: The Ascending Node is in the 7th house, and the Descending Node is in the first house, often found in people who have to learn how to get married and build relationships. For this category of people, marriage relationships are a karmic task according to their position in the natal chart. This category of people does not strive for marriage, the marital experience of the current incarnation does not make them optimistic, they know how to be leaders, they know how to develop their abilities, but they do not know how to live for a partner in the name of their partner ;2 house - karma of talents; 3 house - karmic connections, karmic knowledge (directly related to knowledge manifested in a new incarnation); 4 house - karmic inheritance, memory of past incarnations (directly related to phenomenal abilities); 5 house - karma of learning, karma for children (related to the acquisition of occult knowledge in the past, manifested in a new incarnation); 6th house - karma of service (karmic map allows you to determine whether there are debts for service: personal karma, collective, national), karmic diseases (not all diseases have we are karmic, the karmic map allows us to determine the qualifications of current diseases) The karmic map allows us to determine those to whom we have debts due to the karma of service; 7th house - karma to partners, karma of interaction, analysis of this house allows us to determine the causes of problems in marriage, problems with partners, reasons for widowhood , reasons for celibacy and delays in marriage; 8th house - karma of debt and karma of debts, the main house in the karmic chart, it contains the great secrets of the causes of our problems, the reasons for our delays, our restrictions in marriage, in the field of childbirth, etc. This is the second main house , he is the reason for our current incarnation; the 9th house is the most mysterious house, the house of karmic mission, karmic destiny, which will tell whether the spirit in this incarnation has a mission, what it is: difficult to implement, implemented with obstacles, or a red carpet will be rolled out on the path to fulfilling your mission . But in any case, the karmic mission has unshakable rules: Mission is voluntary! The position of the ruler of the 9th house in a certain area of ​​the karmic chart will indicate the sphere of life through which the mission must be realized. The number of aspects of the ruler of the 9th house will indicate the intensity of this mission; the 10th house is the karma of social realization. If the ruler of the 9th house is in the 10th house of the karmic chart, this speaks one thing about that the mission must be realized through work, society, profession; 11th house - collective karma, group karma, family karma (if your chart has debts for children, then belonging to the 11th house may indicate a family problem), country, nation. Analysis of this field in the karmic map can suggest the conditions and ways of releasing karmic debts through the karma of service..
