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Dear readers, Talking about the importance of parents’ influence on the development of children is not just a topic for discussion, it is the basis for creating healthy and happy generations. Mom and dad bear a huge responsibility for shaping the psyche of their children. Every moment of a child's life contains important cornerstones that determine his mental health and development. Let's dive together into this wonderful world of interaction between parents and children, where every moment, every word and every action of parents is of great importance. Let's look at the role of mom and dad in the development of the child's psyche, describing this process through the prism of a psychological approach that will help us understand the depth and complexity of the relationship between parents and children, but without complex language and terminology. It is important for each of us to understand how our actions and words affect our children and how we can be better parents to provide them with the best environment for healthy growth and development. Let's figure out together how mom and dad influence the formation of the child's psyche, and what we can do to make this role as positive and productive as possible. Role of Mother: Mother is the first attachment figure for a child. Her care, tenderness and love form the basis of security and confidence in the baby. From birth to early childhood, the mother performs a number of important functions that influence the mental development of the child: Attachment and Security: According to the Gestalt approach, the child strives to create a holistic picture of the world, and his primary task is to build a structure of security in this world. The mother is the first cornerstone that helps the child feel this security. Her care and involvement form the basis for building confidence and healthy self-esteem. Emotional Regulation: The mother helps the child understand and manage his emotions. Her ability to be emotionally available and responsive to the child's needs shapes his emotional responses and capacity for empathy. Personality Development: Interaction with the mother contributes to the formation of the child's personality. Her support and stimulation help develop the baby’s unique qualities and interests, which further determines his life values ​​and worldview. The age of a child under three years is especially critical from the point of view of interaction with the mother. It is during this period that the foundations of security, emotional stability and confidence are formed that will accompany the child throughout his life. The role of the Father: The child’s relationship with his father has its own characteristics and is no less important for his mental development. The father's participation in the child's life complements and expands the mother's influence, creating a more complete and diverse environment for development. Here's how a dad influences a child's psyche: Role Modeling: A father is a model of masculinity, responsibility and authority for his son or daughter. His example and lifestyle shape the child’s ideas about the male role in society. Support and Stimulation: Dad’s active participation in the child’s life contributes to his independence and self-esteem. The father stimulates the child to new achievements, teaches him skills and helps him overcome difficulties. Setting Boundaries: The father helps the child understand the boundaries and rules of society. His presence provides a sense of structure and order in the child's life. Interaction with the father is especially important during adolescence. At this point, the child begins to form his self-identity and determine his place in society, and the role of the father becomes especially significant for him. Interaction of Mom and Dad: According to the Gestalt approach, the interaction between mom and dad plays an important role in the development of the child. Their ability to work together, support each other and ensure harmony in family life forms the basis for the healthy mental development of children. Healthy Relationship Model: Relationships.
