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Jokes about children suddenly asking where babies come from, or trying to find out the meaning of obscene words, number in the thousands. And all because time passes, children’s questions practically do not change, and parents are still lost in answers or confused. Let's figure out how to react and what to answer. So, a child from a walk or from kindergarten brings a swear word and asks you what it is. - Firstly, in no case should you scold the child! He could hear it anywhere. By scolding a child, you are simply perpetuating the opinion that he is bad, not the word. Secondly, there is no need to ask the child where he heard it. What's the difference? - Third, calmly explain what it really means, without replacing the concept. - Fourth, say that this word is bad, and there is a more acceptable option for denoting this concept. Another type of “inconvenient” questions - when a child wonders why he is not allowed to do what adults (or other children) are allowed to do. For example, he should wear a hat, and his mother walks next to him without a hat. - We minimize such situations - this is quite possible. The rules in the family should be approximately the same for everyone. - We explain that if an adult behaves this way, this does not mean that it is correct. Parents may forget to take care of themselves, and there is no need to do this. - If the question concerns other children, we clarify why exactly the child should do the same as the other child, and look for a compromise. - Important: there is no need to prohibit without explanation or use your favorite adults’ excuse “because you’re small.” Where do children come from? - In general, it is better to share this information before the child asks this question. Sex education can begin at the age of three. No, there is no need to describe sexual intercourse; information must be presented in accordance with age. Well, really, you can’t describe in simple language how two cells connect and an embryo is formed? - Call a spade a spade! The child should know the names of the genital organs; when he gets a little older, he should know their structure. There is no need to giggle or go off topic - just like in a seventh grade biology lesson. Who is the adult here? “Am I ugly/stupid, etc.?” - Find out from the child where the “legs” of such a question come from. Just don’t question him with bias - just carefully find out why the child began to doubt his own attractiveness. - Don’t brush it off or laugh it off - this is a long and serious conversation, during which you need to support your child, voice his merits, remind him of his achievements, make emphasis on the fact that it is impossible to please everyone (even beauty pageant winners are regularly slandered). - Tell your stories from the past when you doubted your merits and attractiveness. Questions regarding the distribution of love in the family (“Who do you love more - me or brother/sister?”).- Children ask this question when they need attention, so you shouldn’t take it too seriously and put a “minus” on yourself as a parent. - Talk to your child, tell him that you love everyone deeply and -different (children do not like sameness in this matter), focus on its merits. - Reconsider your time together - perhaps it is not enough or communication is of poor quality. In fact, there are many more of these questions, but the algorithm is approximately the same for everyone: devote time , discuss calmly, be honest. What awkward questions did you ask your parents as a child? What about your children? Book a consultation: WhatsApp, Telegram +7 913 380-83-42 Skype: as3808342 Learn to manage your emotions!💪
