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“Low salary. Where can I get the money?”, “Big expenses. Where can I get more money? and “I have loans/mortgage. Where can I get money to live on? - here is a list of the TOP 3 most frequent questions that are asked every day in the comments to my articles. In this article we will talk about how anyone can get out of the bottomless abyss of their financial problems, start earning more and gain wealth. And remember: lack of money is not a death sentence, but lack of money is always temporary (under certain conditions, of course). 1) How to stop living “paycheck to paycheck” The answer to this question is extremely simple - it’s time to stop doing what you are doing are doing now. For the simple reason that your usual actions have ceased to bring a good (expected) financial result. It's stupid to keep doing something that no longer works. It’s not for nothing that wise people say: “The horse is dead = get off”! There is no need to try to revive her. Buy yourself a new horse (bicycle, plane, rocket) or order a car with a personal driver. 2) Why do people earn little? The thing is that the problem of lack of money is always “inside” us, and not “outside”. * (With one important caveat - if we are talking about a normal and healthy adult) So, here are the main reasons for low incomes: low qualifications (alas, no one will pay much for this); loss of competitiveness in the labor market (this happens incredibly often ); reluctance to keep up with the times, master new technologies and retrain for a specialty/skills in demand by the market; banal laziness (skillfully masked by a variety of excuses); lack of internal strength and energy (which outwardly manifests itself as: apathy, the mood of “I don’t want anything”, feeling of constant fatigue, depletion of the body’s vitality due to ignoring a healthy lifestyle, etc. = this is also called “dead batteries”). 3) How to fill your wallet with money Robert Kiyosaki identifies 4 types of income (he calls them 4 quadrants of cash flow): employment, own business, business and investments. Purposefully and consistently increase your earnings in each of these 4 quadrants. Small tips on how to increase your income in each type of income: 1) Employment: + growth in qualifications, + career growth, + mobility (including moving to another region with high salaries). 2) Your own business: + focus on your key competencies (try to delegate everything else as much as possible). 3) Business: + hire people who are smarter than you (retire: to work on the business, not in the business). 4) Investments: + portfolio approach (including index investing, averaging strategy, rebalancing, diversification, risk management). ADDITIONALLY: Read my other article “Where NOT to invest money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for money.” Read my article “What skills do you need to become rich.” TO CONFIRM THE MATERIAL, WATCH MY NEXT VIDEO: I WILL BE THANKFUL FOR YOUR LIKES AND REPOSTS OF THIS ARTICLE
