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From the author: The article outlines an effective method of overcoming crises and personal development that I have developed and fruitfully used, which combines astrological diagnostics and psychotherapy. Working through problem blocks using holographic therapy and relying on the natal chart helps solve serious life problems in a short time. Published on June 17, 2009 on the website www.astropsy.com.ua Everyone knows the concept of a crisis, and they have to deal with this phenomenon in their life. Thus, from the point of view of a person’s life path, crisis is an inevitable phenomenon that a person faces in the process of his development and life in society. It reflects a person’s dissatisfaction with the circumstances of life. How to perceive this dissatisfaction and what to do with it is a personal choice for each of us. A crisis can become a stimulus for positive life changes and achieving new heights. The tools of astrology and psychotherapy will help to qualitatively transform the energy of dissatisfaction. The technology of the astropsychological approach that I have developed helps to effectively cope with life’s problems and achieve the desired results and sustainable changes in a fairly short time. A crisis manifests itself through an acute feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself or some area of ​​life: self-realization, family or partnership relationships, financial security. Depending on the strength of its manifestation, it can either paralyze the personality, causing depression, decreased emotional tone, or apathy. But a person can also intensify actions in this area, trying to find a way out, to change something. The energy of dissatisfaction can either become a “poison” that destroys the body, or “fuel” for personal changes. And the choice of what it will become is up to each of us. For positive changes, we need to redirect the energy of dissatisfaction into the intention and determination to solve a life problem. A crisis can be associated with our choice, some actions, or caused by external circumstances. People may experience sudden changes in their living conditions due to disaster and tragedy. A personal crisis, for example, can be associated with the birth or marriage of a child, divorce, illness or unexpected loss of ability to work. The state of crisis can be recognized and accepted by a person or suppressed, repressed. For example, dissatisfaction with marital relationships can manifest itself in the form of depression or an active search for a way out of the current situation by seeking help from a psychotherapist. A social crisis acts as an activator, manifesting a personal crisis. Against the backdrop of social instability and deteriorating economic conditions, people find themselves faced with a changed reality for which they are not prepared. For example, yesterday there was a job, but today it is no longer there, or an activity that has generated income for many years is no longer in demand today. A social crisis activates personal dissatisfaction and makes it possible to make changes that people could not decide on for a long time. Only a person, under the weight of circumstances, often does not see the positivity of what is happening, his vision is narrowed. He spends a colossal amount of energy resisting change and experiencing negative emotions. Instead of taking advantage of the situation and using the energy of dissatisfaction to move towards your dream. Despite the painfulness of crisis experiences and sensations, every situation contains a certain gift - thanks to awareness of the reasons for what is happening, we can qualitatively change our lives and achieve harmony, joy and satisfaction. What benefit can be derived from a crisis state? A crisis can become a springboard for personal changes and, if actions are taken correctly, speed up the process of achieving a new harmonious state, achieving a goal. To do this, you need to change your approach and expand the picture of your vision of the situation, work out the reasons for its occurrence and changedestructive model. People involved in personal development know how long and expensive the path of awareness can be. Sometimes, years of ordeal and searching pass before a person decides to change something in his life. And it’s good if these changes are caused by one’s own understanding, and not by an emerging illness or external events that radically change life. Thus, many diseases are the cause of accumulated grievances and dissatisfaction, when the body, through an organ disease, tries to pay attention to unmet needs. Why is the process that precedes changes, as a rule, quite long? There are many reasons. Firstly, in our country for many years there was no proper attention to psychological well-being and state of mind. Therefore, people often underestimate the importance of taking care of their psychological state and do not pay due attention to mental comfort. It is not customary for us to turn to a psychologist for help, as in the case of a physical illness to a doctor. Unfortunately, there are many myths and ignorance in this area. It is gratifying that the profession of a psychologist is becoming more and more in demand, and this indicates the changes taking place in our society. Secondly, there are various psychological defense mechanisms (repression, projection, substitution), which in a certain way inhibit the process of awareness due to the subconscious fear of finding out something about yourself that will cause pain, suffering or destroy your personality. Therefore, very often there is a variant of “levelling” the problem: “they say, who is happy now? Yes, everything is still not so bad for me, no worse than for others; Yes, I can’t handle it myself...” Thirdly, the accumulation of energy of dissatisfaction or the “path of suffering” is one of the ways to “overcome the crisis”, which suggests humility, acceptance and experience of pain. And through suffering and by accepting the situation, our spirit is “purified.” This manifests itself in a revision and change in our attitude. However, in addition to the path of suffering, there is another “path of awareness” of the reasons for what is happening, detection and replacement of destructive “behavior programs” with constructive ones that are adequate to your goals. This is a necessary component for implementing change and healing. For example, if your third marriage ended in divorce, you can continue to think about how unlucky you are with your chosen ones. You can persistently search for a new suitable candidate, in the hope that this time everything will be different. With the accumulation of negative experiences, faith in the feasibility of a happy family life is often lost (since, as practice shows, all of them are “one worse than the other”). In this case, further searches are abandoned. It’s more constructive to stop blaming your partners and understand what failed relationships teach you. To change the situation, you need to figure out how and how you “attract” partners who are not suitable for you, to understand what you want from a relationship. If a negative situation is repeated more than twice, it is very useful to think about its causes, since such repetitions are more likely to indicate that the problem has not been solved. Undoubtedly, it is useful to reflect and analyze what is happening on your own. During this process, it is important not to get caught up in negativity or “guilt.” Often people do not have enough energy to independently cope with the destructive effects of negative factors and traumatic information (the action of the defense mechanisms that were mentioned earlier manifests itself). If you are interested in the process of finding a way out going faster, and the result of the changes being one that really suits you, it is advisable seek help from specialists. There are many psychologists and psychological schools, personal growth trainings that are aimed at awareness. Mostly this is a fairly long process, during which you constantly learn new things about yourself and get closer to your “real” self. Our life is a continuous process of development. During psychological consultations, there is a gradual cleansing of consciousness from accumulated suffering,emotional experiences, discovery of new connections between phenomena, awareness of the mechanisms and causes of what is happening. Depending on the approach that the psychologist follows, this process can be more or less long, and also more or less effective. For me, psychology is both a hobby and a profession. I have been trained in various psychological schools and what I offer today to my clients is the result of a careful selection of the most effective and at the same time environmentally friendly methods. The solution to the situation is based on the awareness and activity of the person himself, the pace acceptable to him and the desire to move forward. In this case, the psychologist helps in choosing a route, means of transportation, arranging the safety and comfort of the process and plays rather the role of a “guide.” For 20 years, I tried to find an approach that would optimize the process of overcoming the crisis, help unlock potential, and help in the search your Path. Years of search, practice and experimentation have yielded tangible results. And the accumulated experience, various approaches, and the most effective techniques have formed a complete mosaic. The methodology I am currently working with is a synthesis of psychotherapy and astrology. It allows those who are focused on overcoming the crisis, harmonizing their lives and unlocking their potential to achieve fantastic results, actively looking for ways out and striving to realize their dreams. It is unique and allows you to achieve impressive results in a fairly short and measurable time frame. This means reducing the process of suffering and helping to quickly achieve the desired result, finding harmony with yourself and the world. Consulting within the framework of the astropsychological approach includes several stages: 1) Drawing up an individual birth horoscope. Its information is used as a diagnostic map, which will help not only identify key problems, but also select effective methods for working with them. Astrological consultations are carried out via Skype. You can also order the text of the birth horoscope.2) The stage of psychological counseling and clearing of problem areas, based on the features of the individual birth chart and taking into account personality characteristics. During consultations, a holographic therapy technique is used, aimed at working through “energy masses,” subconscious programs and blocks. Consultations take place in person, and are also conducted via Skype. 3) Mastering techniques for strengthening energy potential and storing energy. To master them, the training “Gaining Personal Power” is offered. Depending on the characteristics of the problem and the client’s request, the annual horoscope and trends of the client’s personal year, as well as the horoscope of compatibility with a partner (if the problem concerns partnerships or family relationships), can be worked out and taken into account. The entire period of consultation, depending on the scale of the problem and goals, requires from 2 weeks to 2 months of individual work (1-2 meetings per week). For comparison, for example, in the case of a dramatic divorce or breakup, as a rule, it takes at least 6 months, and more often about 1-2 years, to begin to neutrally perceive what happened. So, what is the resource of combining astrology with psychotherapy? At the first stage, the study takes place , coordinating the client's request, which sets the motion vector, is the goal that we must achieve in the course of our work. After this, an interpretation of the individual birth horoscope is prepared. To do this, the date, time and place of birth of the client is determined. The first meeting is dedicated exclusively to getting to know the interpretation of the personal birth horoscope. The birth horoscope provides the necessary information for a better understanding of yourself, your typical reactions to challenging situations. A personal birth horoscope is the most accurate psychological test that allows you to understand the characteristics and originality of a person, assess resources and abilities, understand the characteristics, understand the reasons for conflicting reactions and understand the main aspirations. When meetingbirth horoscope, clients are often amazed how it is possible to know so much about the features of their life. Many people note that something that had been tormenting them for many years suddenly became clear, important intuitive sensations became clearer and received confirmation, a direction of movement was recommended and, ultimately, support was gained. A birth horoscope is a description of our characteristics and talents, recommended areas of activity and the evolutionary direction of development for development of which man came into this world. The natal horoscope map is a matrix of the main milestones of our life and possible options for our destiny. Of course, the qualifications of the astrologer and his life position are very important in this matter. Because the interpretation of the future requires subtlety and delicacy - after all, it is probabilistic and created by the person himself, through his choices. It is important that this information is presented not as a statement, but as a list of possible options, the choice of which is in the hands of the client. It is important to understand what level of energy a person is endowed with and how correctly he spends it, how the qualities of his personality are expressed and in what areas it is advisable to implement them. If the choice of profession or main activity is based on the qualities of a weak, affected planet, even with great activity it will be extremely difficult to achieve outstanding results and such activity will soon lead to exhaustion. In the course of getting acquainted with the birth horoscope, clients intensify the process of comprehending their life, a re-evaluation occurs happened, one gains confidence in what of the intuitive choices made was correct in the context of his life and effective, and what and for what reasons led him away and was a temptation that he needs to learn to resist. In a state of crisis, people are predominantly focused on their negative experiences and They don’t see the holistic context of their lives. Because of this, they cannot see the meaning of the life lesson that life teaches them. Getting to know your personal horoscope helps you see the integrity of your entire life, a map of the main milestones, the meaning of what is happening, the main life choices that have been made and are yet to be made, the direction of evolutionary development in which it is recommended to move in order not to create problems and not turn on the mechanisms of evil fate. Thus Thus, in the first stage, a person receives guidance for his life and the use of his potential. This helps you feel the integrity of your life, tune in to the future and manage your potential more rationally. In cases. when the client is simply disoriented and no destabilizing programs have been activated, it may be enough for him to receive such guidance, answers to questions and recommendations. If a person cannot constructively cope with emerging conditions (depression, despair, panic, fears, etc.) he needs emergency psychotherapeutic assistance. In this regard, it will be useful to start by working through the problem, understanding its causes, clearing the components and changing response programs. And after working through the problem, an acquaintance with a personal horoscope may be offered, which will allow you to better understand the features of your own life, understand your capabilities and take into account the dangers. At the same time, the psychological component of the consultation will be built taking into account the personal birth horoscope. The most effective mental formulas and energy techniques for a given person will be selected, which he will learn during consultations. This will optimize the counseling process and consolidate the achieved effect. At the second stage, the main basic technique is holographic therapy. At its core, it is a psychological practice based on working with sensations and aimed at finding and working through the starting points of a personal history. The essence of the method is to understand the reasons for the emergence of a destructive program, clearing the accumulated negative “mass” that attract corresponding life situations and changing the program, transforming it into a creative one.channel. Destructive programs could have been formed not only within the framework of this incarnation. In this case, when working with them within the framework of other psychological approaches, as a rule, only partial improvement, but not healing, can occur. While the holographic therapy technique gives excellent results in working with so-called “karmic” programs and situations, the cause of which goes beyond this incarnation. The client gains an understanding of the causes of occurrence, changes them at his own request and discretion, accompanied by a consultant who monitors so that the new program is environmentally friendly and fits in organically, taking into account personal characteristics. As part of the second stage, a minimum and maximum program can be proposed. The minimum program is the development of an active program, which in holographic therapy are called masses. This is effective in situations of crisis or aggravation, since being in a state of activation it is easier to get to the bottom of its origins. Moreover, the degree of suffering it causes motivates a person to work and solve the problem. This is the option when “if there was no happiness, then misfortune would help.” The maximum program is the study and cleansing of 7 main chakras (energy centers), which can be carried out in the context of a goal that is relevant to the client (for example, self-realization, achieving success, optimal partnerships relationships or achieving wealth, etc.). The meaning of this work is to detect, cleanse and correct programs that are destructive for a person and prevent his harmonious manifestation and achievement of what he wants. Programs are formed throughout life, many of them are laid in childhood, and the strongest ones are formed within several incarnations. At moments in life situations, when a person senses the occurrence of similar situations, the corresponding sensations and emotions are automatically triggered and a program of a certain way of responding is activated. When it arose, the program could play a positive role and for this reason began to be automatically reproduced associatively in similar situations. In the context of changing living conditions, the program often loses its relevance and can turn into a brake or ballast. In this regard, its revision and correction is necessary. For example, the onset of pregnancy is often delayed due to subconscious fears (being left alone with the child or problematic childbirth). Programs are recorded in our aura (energy-information matrix). They are inclusions in it that introduce distortions and disrupt the optimal circulation of energy for a person. The presence of programs weakens energy, which affects a person’s level of activity and his health. Life circumstances lead to the activation of programs. And in these cases, a person acts as if against his will or according to the will of circumstances. Human behavior in such situations is characterized by some disproportionate response. When the masses are activated, a person cannot understand why he is acting to his detriment. And even with an understanding of how such a program is activated and what caused it, it often cannot resist or change the reaction stereotype. At the consulting stage, the client’s most relevant programs are being worked out, which are discovered in connection with the exciting problem. Or the main energy centers are cleared in the context of related topics and problems. In the first case, the problem is solved and liberated from the disharmonious program. In the second case, serious work takes place to cleanse negative energy accumulations that clog the field, identifying and correcting key programs that create tension and problems in life. In the course of this work, tangible changes are observed in a person’s life and behavior, harmonization and strengthening of the level occurs. A change and improvement in well-being is observed at the end of each psychological consultation. And this is one of the criteria for effectiveness. As a result, a person gains harmony with himself and the world, confidence in
