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Good afternoon, dear readers! Today I will tell you about the influence of parents on the formation of children's psychosomatics. Children get sick very often, and caring parents do everything to get rid of the disease by resorting to pills, medicine procedures and even traditional medicine. If a child gets sick for the first time, it is very difficult, but what can we say if the disease has already become chronic. Giving children pills can only worsen the situation, because the symptoms will go away, but the problem will remain. Over time, the disease will begin to manifest itself again, especially if the trouble in the family has not been resolved, and most parents will begin to say that the pharmacist recommended bad medications, the doctor who treated the child was not competent, and let alone talk about the environment. How can you recover? First of all, you need to realize that if a child is sick, especially if the problem is chronic, it is a family symptom, and more often a maternal one. In order to “defuse” the unfavorable atmosphere, the child acts as an “identified patient,” that is, the patient who is causing all the problems in the family. When parents come for a consultation and say “Do something with him...”, you can immediately say that the child’s illness is due to the parents, and you need to work directly with them and their family situation. It is convenient for adults for the child to be sick, since one might say, if it weren’t for him, we could... And if the problem disappears, perhaps the elders won’t succeed, and they wouldn’t be able to do anything, and they’d have to work a lot, but there’s a great excuse: “We have a sick child, this It’s all because of him.” And not everyone wants to realize that the problem of one member in the family is a problem for everyone. What does a childhood symptom mean? Any symptom expresses feelings, a state of mind that at one time could not be expressed, accepted and realized. Our unrelived fears, aggression, unforgotten experiences create tension, and the body, no longer able to withstand it, begins to get sick. Children up to five to seven years old express the feelings of their mother. The stronger their symbiosis, the more problems and repressed emotions the child will take on. As the child grows up, he begins to express the family symptom. His body speaks about what is happening in the family; as a rule, this is a hidden and very acute problem. In adolescence, the child begins to express himself, his own position in the world. In this case, there may be an exception if the child is still in a strong symbiosis with the mother. The psychosomatics of the child can be considered in complex: how the mother feels and does not express it, and how her emotions are felt by the baby. What happens if the parents realize symptom? If the mother, or both parents, are aware of the problem, it will become obvious, psychic energy will have an outlet, and the baby’s symptoms will go away as unnecessary. In most cases, it is very difficult for parents to do this on their own, and therefore it is recommended to contact a specialist. Unfortunately, many families even they don’t realize that a child can get sick because of his family, and he suffers both from the disease and from a feeling of guilt, since money is spent on his treatment, because of him nothing can be done, etc. In the next article I will tell you how about the methods of work of a psychologist with psychosomatics. With uv. psychologist Tatiana Pavlenko (https://vk.com/psiholog_tatiana_pavlenko)
