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Many people have a desire to get married and start a family. As a rule, married couples want children to be in the family they create. However, unfortunately, many people do not realize that caring for and raising children is not only about meeting their physical and educational needs, but also their psychological needs. Cases of physical and verbal abuse by parents against their own children are not uncommon. Oddly enough, our society still considers this commonplace. Although physical and verbal violence committed by parents towards children can hinder the psychological development and character of the child in the future, and this greatly affects the condition of the children when they grow up. Therefore, for us, especially those who are planning to start a family and have children, it is actually very important to prepare ourselves so that we can provide the best possible upbringing for our children in the future. Parenting style is an important factor that greatly influences the state of depression in children and adolescents, whether it is a factor preventing or causing it. Adolescents who are abused and neglected by their parents tend to act rebelliously, use illicit drugs, and show symptoms of depression and suicidal ideation later in life. Parental violence against children also correlates with the child's development of emotional regulation and future poor behavior. For example, children lose the ability to self-soothe, avoid provocative events and stimuli that cause feelings of sadness and anger, and refrain from aggressive behavior caused by uncontrollable emotions. The rude attitude and inability to control emotions shown by parents are passed on to children through interaction. This occurs because children tend to imitate the views of their parents, whom they see. Adults who experienced corporal punishment violence as children are more likely to commit violence against their spouse or children and/or commit criminal acts. In 2014, it was found ​​The relationship between corporal punishment and various psychological and social disorders, such as increased rebelliousness in childhood and adolescence, perception of acts of violence as commonplace, increased impulsivity and loss of self-control, risky sexual behavior in adolescence, increased tendency to commit crimes in adulthood , difficulty completing college, increased incidence of depression, etc. We can no longer have the principle that having children and raising children is simply a normative thing that should happen naturally. We must pay more attention to our willingness to be good parents if we want to have and raise a child. It is better to postpone starting a family and having children unless we are confident that we are ready to fulfill our parental responsibilities towards our children and our impact on society in the future. Children raised by good parents also demonstrate self-control and good social behavior. They were not raised with violence. When children break rules, parents apply fair and consistent discipline. Such parents, because they act as role models by demonstrating emotional understanding and good self-control, children also learn to regulate their own emotions and learn to understand others. Do you often encounter child abuse? Psychological counseling Sergey Popov - https://www.b17.ru /popov_sergeyPhone - 89152853918
