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From the author: Cover design by Ksenia MorosyaginaTo gain something in the physical universe, you need to get rid of attachment to it. An amazing law! Too often we want so much! We dream so much, but in reality we don’t always see our dreams come true. Why? The fact is that dreams are born in a field of pure potentiality. In the quantum universe or the world from which our soul comes. We love to dream! Because the dream is us. We were all born from a dream. Parents' dreams of seeing their continuation, the dreams of someone who wanted to meet their love, our own dreams of coming into this world where we can feel and be happy. If we imagine that our life is a movie, then where is the observer? He shows us a film, our soul is unchanging, it is outside of time and space, it is a perfect huge part of us that projects our dreams into the world and wants to experience their embodiment. That huge part of us, which is the super-ego, plans the lesson, and we immerse ourselves in it in this world. Coming to earth, we all want to feel our dreams and deep down we know for sure that they exist, our dreams are already somewhere and waiting for us. We begin to move towards them, look for a way and fight, suffer, rejoice, in an attempt to find a dream. We are created to dream and see our ideas as real. But we have been taught to live in a world where dreams remain unfulfilled. This is wrong. It’s only other people’s dreams that don’t come true, dreams that we actually don’t want to see realized at all. Real dreams that everyone is born with and creates in the process of life always, I repeat, always come true. Because this is the main idea: to come into the material universe, to wish to feel something and experience something, to expand your awareness by seeing what your dream has given to a world in which no one has ever thought like that before you. This is how all great people, successful businessmen, creators thought, they knew exactly what they wanted and directed all their strength towards their dream and achieved it. Common people preferred to think that dreams are called that because they don’t come true. In my life, I realized all the dreams I thought about, because I knew exactly what I wanted. We are weaned off wanting from childhood, only stubborn people who win are like our mother: “Wanting is not harmful!” They answer: “It’s harmful, don’t want to!” and they want it in full. But why do some wishes come true late, or when we no longer need them? Because there is a law of non-attachment in the universe. Like Winnie the Pooh's balloon, you walk with it, but you have to let it go so that it reaches the field of pure dreams, and then returns in the form of reality. Many people do not believe that they are worthy of their wish coming true, that it will come true someday, and therefore they either dream small, fiddle with the little things, or stop wishing altogether. This is very bad, because thanks to desires and their implementation, we see such great changes in the world. We live in a world of technological leaps because people have removed restrictions from their consciousness. The consciousness of the past seemed to be in a helmet, but now it is huge. The desires that people want to receive from need are not fulfilled, because the energy of need itself is the energy of absence, that is, lack. A person thinks: “I want a new car” and at the same time feels that he does not have one and will not have one. The energy of lack is read by the universe because we live in a system of wave transmission of information. Because no matter how much you wish, you will only get need from need. And finally, why can’t you want your dreams to come true so much? I dreamed so much that my book would come out when I wrote it that I couldn’t sleep, and then I suffered that it didn’t come out for one reason or another. So two years passed, I had already stopped wishing and was slowly moving towards the goal, realizing that it had taken so long that I no longer wanted anything. And after a while, I realized that my life certainly has meaning, even if my book is not published, when I stopped wanting to publish my work at all, I realized that I was happy,!
