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From the author: Look for your destiny where inspiration comes to you. She is gone. Inspiration disappeared and three rubles. Must be by taxi.V. Vysotsky. A plagiarist's song or a visit to the Muse is a GPS navigator that allows us to navigate in space - it receives signals for orientation from satellites located in orbit. The Navigator of Will, which allows us to find the trajectory of our progress in search of destiny, also receives a kind of signals that allows us to understand whether we are on the right Path. One such signal is the state of inspiration we may experience. It is this state that is an indicator of whether we are fulfilling our destiny or not. Inspiration is a special state that cannot be ignored when it comes. This is a special psychological mood, a state when it seems that you have an internal connection with some highly located source of subtle knowledge and energies. In some cases, it is similar to a religious feeling, but it is always associated with the desire to do, accomplish, create, discover, realize something. All great works of art and scientific discoveries are made in a state of great inspiration, which is also called illumination, insight. We will not resort to mystical explanations and speculation on this topic. Let us remain in the field of psychological understanding. Now it is important for us to note that inspiration is a kind of “entry point” into understanding one’s purpose. If something inspires you, you feel a surge of strength and a desire to use this state to understand or discover or do something - then, most likely, what you were inspired to do is your destiny. Remember what inspired you last time. Are you using this state to realize something, to discover your purpose? If not, why not? Maybe inspiration doesn't come to you after you stop noticing it? Maybe you are not familiar with this condition at all? Has nothing ever inspired you? Somehow I doubt that there are people who have never experienced a state of inspiration. If an infant by the age of 12 months experiences and expresses all human emotions, then you, as an adult who is interested in the topic of self-realization, are probably familiar with the state of inspiration and have experienced it more than once. Inspiration is most similar to vibration, as if you would tune in to a certain wave, to a channel through which only you and only now can receive the information or mood you need. Anyone who has experienced a state of inspiration knows that it has a beginning and an end. And for those who appreciate this mood, it is important not to miss the moment, because it will pass and who knows how long this state can last. Inspiration is a rare guest. In order for her to come more often, you need to give up all your everyday routine and organize a celebration of meeting this wonderful state. If you don’t do this and think: “nothing, the Muse will wait, things are more important,” then you risk not only not fulfilling your destiny, but it may also happen that you will stop experiencing this blissful state bestowed on the chosen ones altogether. On the other hand On the other hand, there is no way for us to receive guaranteed inspiration as if on a schedule. And we cannot lock it away and remain inspired forever, for the rest of our lives (if, of course, we expect to live long). That is, we cannot count on the arrival of inspiration, but we can wait for it and prepare for its arrival. And in order not to miss its appearance, you need to cultivate in yourself a special state of expectation, readiness. In order for inspiration to come to you again and again and thereby help you realize your destiny, you need the following: Inspiration should have good memories of how you arranged for his arrival on previous occasions. That is, you need to use it to the maximum for self-realization.".
