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From the author: I spied this typical situation for most of us on the street on the eve of March 8th. And then I saw her many more times on the streets of the city. And I realized that young parents do not know how to behave if their child whines on the street. I really want our future society to live happier. That's why I'm posting my thoughts. The great difficulties of raising a little person. There is no sadder story in the world than the story of parents and their innocent (as yet) children. I noticed the situation recently on the street. I observe a picture: a very, very impressive young woman and a very strong young man, in general, a beautiful couple, are leading a crying boy of about 3 years old by the hand. They don’t lead - they drag along, because such a baby cannot keep up with adults with their speed of movement. I hear my mother’s remark: “If you whine like a girl, I’ll buy you a doll as a gift.” The boy falls silent, having heard a message from the most important person in his so-far small life - his mother, “it’s bad to be a girl.” However, something is bothering him, and his mother does not turn on, dragging him along. He starts whining again. Mom: “If you don’t stop, I will punish you without warning” (this is pronounced aggressively, threateningly). The boy begins to tap her coat with his fist. It doesn’t hurt her, it hurts the boy, because mom, who is walking on the right, does not react to his “little "from mom’s point of view, pain. One blow with a small fist, a second... and then he gets a good slap on the ass from dad, who was walking to the left. Dad: “Do you understand why?” But what did the baby understand? Let’s try to highlight the main message that the future man received: girls are bad, if you interact with a woman (well, in general, for a boy of that age, mom is associated with any girl), you will get a good blow from another man. It’s good if this is not the system. in relationships. It’s good if mom is just tired, and dad is so busy that he doesn’t have enough strength to sit down next to his son and ask: “How do you feel, dear?” In my practice, this way of communicating with a small man is usually an exception. , spanking, threat, ban - the norm of upbringing in the family. In a few years, parents will wonder why the child does not know how to communicate with peers, why he does not like girls, fights with them, why he is afraid of boys who are stronger, why he does not show his feelings. The story is typical, not yet tragic, but not at all romantic.
