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Now there are a great variety of psychotherapeutic approaches, each of which has its own characteristics and strengths. When people come to a psychologist, they often expect magical healing, and in fact, extraordinary things often happen during sessions of skilled psychotherapists. The client suddenly realizes something he had never thought about. He remembers to himself what he forgot. Understands his defense mechanisms. Many psychotherapeutic techniques create the impression of magic; they work gradually and activate unconscious processes. This is often very effective, but in some cases, with certain mental disorders and vulnerabilities, it can be dangerous. For example, working with metaphors in some cases can decompensate clients. When working with mental disorders, cognitive psychotherapy is the most “transparent” and safe. It has the least “magic” and most of all obvious and painstaking work and self-exploration. The goal of cognitive therapy is to teach the client to think flexibly and be in touch with reality, as well as to realize their ability to independently influence their life and their mood. The main idea of ​​cognitive therapy is that a person’s emotions are determined not by external events as such, but by a subjective assessment of these events. And these assessments, this personal meaning, are different for each person. Each person has their own set of potential triggers for negative emotions - those events that cause a strong emotional reaction. For some, these are situations of failure, mistakes, for others, situations of evaluation, for others, the manifestation or lack of attention from other people, for others, a violation of personal boundaries. And very often, assessments of events contain systematic distortions that make a person’s reaction maladaptive, inappropriate to the situation. In the process of cognitive therapy, the client, under the guidance of a therapist, examines his thinking, his way of responding and questions his assessments. The process of cognitive therapy is a close collaboration between the client and the therapist, during which it becomes clear how anxiety or depression is maintained in a particular case. Cognitive therapy is based on scientific theories of mental disorders, but the theories are implemented differently in each case. In the process of therapy, hypotheses are constantly put forward about the nature of the problems of a given person and ways to correct them. For the most effective therapy process, self-observation diaries are used with a focus on a specific problem, behavioral experiments are planned, which must be implemented and their results evaluated. All this requires a lot of inclusion and high motivation, but the client has a real opportunity to actively influence his condition. If you suffer from anxiety or depression, and you have a desire to fight these conditions with psychological methods, please contact us! My phone (Telegram, Whatsapp) 8-916-150-88-30
