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Diary of observations. Development and creation of the second sample of the orgone accumulator. January 27, 2011 “I tried to remember or see, starting with the symbol η, and I had the feeling that I saw the entire inscription of the city of Xanthi, located vertically. I also saw a building with a spire that looked something like this: A childhood memory immediately appeared. I saw a similar structure when we passed Leninskaya station by train. This building was first shown to me by a naval officer who was traveling with us in the same compartment. For some reason, the sight of the station building made a huge impression on me, and from then on, as soon as I had to travel by train in this direction, I would certainly sit by the window in order to see this building. Then I saw myself inside some structure together with some person. The building seems to be unfinished (unfinished) inside, all the walls are smooth, grayish in color. I get the urge to look at the building from the outside, and I step through the doorway and look up at the walls. They are decorated with white and gold patterns. Everything looks very beautiful. I go back and we continue to examine the room from the inside. I am dressed in long white clothes with a red cloak on top, the cloak is like a cape with a gold trim, my hair is light wavy, quite long. The man next to me is wearing long white (light) clothes. There is no one else around. Some kind of calm. I was under the impression that I was accepting construction work. January 28, 2011 In the morning, going to work, I felt anxious that I wouldn’t see anything in the device. That's almost exactly what happened. It felt like I didn’t see anything, but when I left the device, the word “ziyakurat” sounded in my head. The word seemed familiar to me. As usual, I typed into a search engine and received the question “Perhaps you were looking for a ziggurat?”, links on this topic, pictures. All of us have seen the ziggurat on Red Square, it is a mausoleum. The remains of ancient ziggurats have survived to this day. There are reconstructions that allow us to understand how they looked in ancient times. The upper part of the ziggurats follows the contours of the building I saw on January 27. Did I really have anything to do with the construction of these ancient structures? But they were built several thousand years ago. January 31, 2011 I saw a tall pole with a wheel on top. It is not clear what size and what material it is made of. No thoughts arose about what he saw. Interestingly, while preparing this material, I came across the following photograph. On this candelabra from the 1st millennium BC. the horse and the wheel (here symbols of earth and heaven) are connected by a pillar / column /, which holds them, simultaneously separating and connecting them. February 2, 2011 I saw the following symbol: First I saw the symbol, and then I heard, as it seemed to me, the word “adult” with an accent on the second syllable. The word sounded quickly, like a shot. All the information received was quite unstable, and immediately after the session I rushed to write it down and sketch it in my diary so as not to forget. My further research into the symbol and the spoken word did not lead to anything special. The shape of the symbol was similar to an anchor, but after reviewing a large amount of information about anchors, I realized that it was not an anchor. A search on the Internet for the word “adult” did not lead to anything. February 3, 2011 I watched a short film in which four people (two women and two men, one of whom is me) discuss the operation of the device, its capabilities and methods of use. Unfortunately nothing concrete. During the session there were vivid bodily sensations, as if the right leg was bending or even levitating. A persistent phone call brought me out of this state. I didn’t want to leave the device, I practically forced myself to do it. February 4, 2011 There were no special visions except one in which I see on a green background, as if somewhere in a park on the grass, a bowl made of white material on a leg, and fromIn the middle of this bowl there is an object similar to a felt boot. For the rest of the session I wondered what this meant. It roughly looks like this: February 15, 2011 Was in the device for 25 minutes. He saw that I was a little boy, dressed in white sleeveless clothes, just above the knees, belted. I'm hiding from someone. The hall where I am is huge. I hide either under a bench, or under a table, or under a bed. It seemed that some of the furniture was made of light stone and was very massive. I’m probably hiding from my father, I don’t know why I’m hiding. And then I hear my mother’s voice loudly calling me by name “Alex.” For some reason I remember one of my stays in the device, when I saw a stone slab with the letter “A” carved on it. I’m trying to think about this, my thoughts are confused. Even today I realized that the “felt boot” in the bowl that I saw on February 4 is not a felt boot at all, but a horse’s head. An Internet search for the phrase “horse head” brought up a lot of interesting things. My attention was especially drawn to the materials about the Horsehead Nebula in the constellation Orion. February 16, 2011 I didn’t find any connection with what I saw on February 15. The state was smooth and relaxed. Some time before the end of the session, I saw myself sitting at a table in some room and signing some papers. The papers were handed to me by a woman in a formal suit with a stand-up collar and a skirt just above the knees. Hair of medium length, dark. I didn’t understand where I was and what papers I was signing. I was able to see the number on the door of this room and a long corridor with the same doors. The first three digits of the number are 110, and then it is not clear either 9, or 8, or 6. Having seen the numbers, I hastened to leave the device to write them down. Reflections on what I saw led me to the conclusion that this scene takes place in some multi-story building on 11th floor. That's all. All that remained was to wait and continue the research. And I waited. Almost exactly a year later, I found myself in the hospital, in room No. 1106. All the doors to the rooms on the 11th floor of this hospital looked exactly like in the vision of February 16, 2011. And I signed the papers right in the ward. And a woman with dark hair, my doctor, handed them to me. True, the realization of this amazing coincidence happened a little later, about a month later, when I was on another floor of the same hospital. Thus, in my orgone accumulator, I saw events that happened to me a year later, i.e. I saw the future. Here I would like to note that I was not the only one who saw the future. One of the volunteer orgone accumulator researchers saw his daughter in the future, six years later. He described to me in detail what she looked like, what her hair was like, what she was wearing and what she was doing. Here I would like to make a digression and talk about the structure of the great soothsayer Michel Nostradamus. There is information that Nostradamus made his predictions based on the data he received in a device specially designed and built according to his drawings, the so-called “Nostradamus Egg.” This device was an oval chair. The shell of this chair was made of three layers of metal: copper, brass and bronze. The top of the “egg” was open. You could get inside through a side door. The surface of the “egg” was absolutely smooth. The same multi-layer design. February 17, 2011 Today I was in the device for about 25 minutes as usual and left it with regret. Some time after closing the lid, I plunged into a trance state and tried to start the vision process by imagining the image of a “horse head in a bowl” and it seemed that nothing was happening, but then I saw a film in which one scene quickly followed another, at the same time, it felt like I was seeing everything through tunnel vision, a clearer image of a round shape in the middle and fog around the edges. In one of the scenes I saw a “standard” similar to those I saw in historical films. At the top was a bird with outstretched wings. The scene quickly changed, and, trying to hold on to it, I could notremember the rest. Having left the orgone battery, I sat down at the computer and typed the word “standards” into the search engine. In the pictures I found images of the standards of the Roman army. There are also eagles with outstretched wings. The eagle is usually the standard of the legion. I remembered the symbol I saw on February 2nd. Some elements of this symbol are very similar to elements of the standards of the Roman legions. Unfortunately, I was soon forced to stop researching my first orgone accumulator, as representatives of various departments began to come to me with checks. As it turned out, the same grandmother I was talking about wrote complaints against me to various authorities, such as the housing office, the police, the district government, the SES, the fire service, the prosecutor’s office, etc. They didn’t show me the complaint itself, but they gave me an unfounded order that I disassemble my installation, since it disturbs the residents with loud sounds, and it also turns off the electricity in the apartment upstairs and this happens almost constantly and around the clock. No one took into account my explanations about the fact that I do not work at night and on weekends. They told me something like this: “We don’t understand what this is, so it’s impossible.” Constant checks by representatives of various organizations interfered with my work, and I dismantled and took my first orgone battery to the dacha. This whole story reminded me of what happened to Wilhelm Reich. Development and creation of a second sample of an orgone accumulator. Research on my first orgone accumulator allowed me to determine the design and composition of my second installation, and also allowed me to determine the goals and objectives for the use of orgone accumulators in psychological practice. It was decided that the design of the second orgone accumulator would consist of two half-cylinders, which, when closed, form a cylinder . The man in the top hat is sitting. The design provides for mandatory two-way audio communication, video control and the ability to record a session. Along with body-oriented techniques, I use the installation to saturate the body with orgasmic energy, “dissolve” or “melt” the bodily shell and ensure unhindered circulation of vital energy in the body. I also was A new technique for conducting sessions of regressive and progressive hypnosis has been developed. My orgone accumulator is used as one of the main tools for introducing a client into a trance state. Since one of the purposes of my orgone accumulator is to introduce the client into a state of relaxation and trance, it was decided to call the orgone accumulator a Relaxation Trance Chamber (RTC) or a Trans Chamber (TC). And this is what a Relaxation Trance Chamber (RTC) looks like. New methodology for conducting sessions regressive and progressive hypnosis with the help of RTK, allows you to solve the following problems: - depressive and anxiety states, stress, fears, phobias, obsessions - feelings of loneliness - various types of addictions: tobacco, alcohol, love addiction - eating disorders - interpersonal relationships, difficulties in communication with other people, with the opposite sex - functional sexual disorders (frigidity, impotence) - problems of self-esteem, self-affirmation - intra-family tensions, marital problems - changes in usual life (weddings and divorces, the birth of children, infidelity and betrayal, illness, death of loved ones, loss or change of job, etc.) - awareness of the true goals and meaning of life, reassessment of life values, overcoming psychological crises Since I am not a doctor, but a psychologist, I deliberately do not offer the Relaxation Trans Chamber as a means of treating specific somatic diseases, although it is positive I have experience using such devices. But if my clients improve their physical health (which I am convinced of) during sessions of regressive and progressive hypnosis, as well as sessions of dissolving the body shell, accumulating orgastic energy and restoration.
