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Various phobias are a common phenomenon. One of them, which occurs quite often, is aerophobia. What it is? In simple terms, this is a fear of flying on various types of aircraft. Aerophobia can be either the only fear or combined with other types of phobias and mental disorders. Modern people often have to move long distances. An airplane is a fast way to reach a remote point. But people who have aerophobia try to avoid this type of transport. And if they need to use an airplane or helicopter, they experience extreme stress and panic. CAUSES OF AEROPHOBIA Each case is individual, but several common reasons have been identified that lead to the emergence of a fear of flying.1. Stressful situations experienced during the flight. Accidents, unfavorable weather conditions, aircraft breakdown, exposure to turbulence - all this can trigger the development of a fear of flying. As a result of getting into a stressful situation, the negative experience is consolidated and subsequently causes negative associations.2. Concerns related to your own health. People with a disease, for example, of the cardiovascular system, may be afraid that their health will worsen during the flight.3. Thoughts that during a flight a person has no control over the situation and a successful outcome depends on the experience of the pilot and the serviceability of the vehicle.4. Social factors. This can include the characteristics of upbringing, the example of relatives, the presence of fears in them, stories from relatives and friends about accidents, and the dangers of flying. Children easily adopt the fears of loved ones, and this is not always realized. As a result, the adult is afraid of flying, not understanding where such a phobia came from.5. Genetic. If there are relatives in the family with anxiety disorders, there is an increased risk that the child will develop them as well.6. The presence of other phobias, for example, fear of closed spaces, fear of heights.7. Mental illness.8. Reading negative news, especially those related to plane crashes. SYMPTOMS OF AEROPHOBIA Anxiety may appear immediately before a flight or several days before it. Accompanied by thoughts about the dangers of flying, pictures of possible plane crashes, and vegetative disorders. Some patients suffering from a phobia look for statistics on plane crashes and delve into topics related to the safety of air travel. Closer to the flight itself, the symptoms become more pronounced, and panic may occur when boarding the plane. People suffering from this type of phobia may refuse to fly altogether, using ground transport despite the fact that the journey takes longer. Women are more likely to fear a possible plane crash, men are afraid of heights, and older people fear for their health. Many people suffering from fear of flying have never been on an airplane. Psychological manifestations of phobia: • insomnia, nightmares; • high level of anxiety, restlessness, even panic; • decreased performance. Due to the fact that negative thoughts predominate and energy is spent on them, increased fatigue appears; • decreased concentration; • negative emotions: irritability, anger. Autonomic manifestations: • headaches; • tachycardia; • pain in the heart; • nausea; • bowel disorders; • frequent urination; • increased sweating, especially in the area of ​​​​the feet and palms; • trembling; • pale skin. COMMON FEAR OR PHOBIA? If you refuse to board a plane, uncontrollable panic appears a few days before the flight, change plans, to avoid flying, if you feel out of breath during flights, then you have not an ordinary fear, but a phobia. A little anxiety before traveling is normal. But when fear affects life and forces you to adjust plans, the help of specialists is required. Phobia is an irrational fear, built on imaginary threats. HOW TO GET RID OF AVIATION PHOBIA First of all, it is necessary to recognize its presence. Many people are afraid to fly, but not everyone refuses
