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Ultimately, all life lessons come down to one thing - learning to love unconditionally. This is both easy and difficult. And the theme of unconditional love constantly catches up with me. Here and there I run into her again. And the question arises: “What is this about in my life?!” Recently a boy asked me: What is unconditional love? and then I remembered the phrase: If you can’t explain something to a child, then you don’t understand anything at all about this issue!” And, of course, I accepted this challenge. Universe or what?” What is this, unconditional love? Look, what is conditional love? Conditional love is when we love conditionally - “if you behave well, I like you, I love you,” “ if you bring straight A’s from school, I love you”, “if you don’t cheat on me, I love you”, “if you bring home a lot of money, I love you”, “if you don’t cheat on me, I love you”, etc. Do you understand? That is, conditional love is when we set conditions, when we love for something. Most often, this model of love is men. They love because the clothes are washed, the dinner is delicious, the house is clean, there is a beautiful woman nearby - who “constitutes” prestige. Unconditional love is when we love without any conditions. Only because a person exists. Unconditional love begins with unconditional love for oneself, then for loved ones. When I accept myself as I am. I know the disadvantages and advantages of character, I know my strengths and weaknesses and accept them. They exist - it's great! Those. accept your loved ones as they are, and not make them “my ideal idea of ​​you.” Without imposing on them your own ideas about what to say, how to behave, how and what to do. Ultimately, all this shows you what you would like to be yourself. So become like that! Can you accept a person for who he is? Do you want to be accepted for who you really are? Many of our “conditions” sit deep inside us. And we simply don't notice them. They are on a subconscious level. Look into yourself, they are inside, speak them out. It's difficult, yes! But they can be seen from those situations, from the problems that you encounter in life. Our conditions are a message from us to ourselves. When I don’t love and don’t accept myself, I also don’t love and don’t accept my loved ones. But love is air. We all need love, like air, and our loved ones need it too. Unconditional love is a woman’s love. It is similar to the love that a woman experiences when she gives birth to a child and holds him in her arms for the first time. At this moment she is all glowing. Then it becomes clear that love is light. She loves her child in every way. He doesn't let her sleep, sometimes he hurts her, he messes her diapers, he takes up her time, but she loves him, loves him unconditionally. Just because he exists! Don’t demand the impossible from others! What we usually do is change others, not wanting to change ourselves. But that won’t work! “The road to hell is paved with good intentions!” START WITH YOURSELF. Change yourself first. By changing, we change the world around us. If we change, those around us will change, our lives and our loved ones, who are connected with us by very close ties, will change. Not right away, have patience, but it will definitely happen, because the external is a reflection of the internal. The external reflects the internal. Like attracts like. Having learned to understand and accept ourselves, having learned to love ourselves, we will learn to understand, accept and love other people. This is unconditional love.
