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A huge number of people suffer from low self-esteem. We all understand how this interferes with life, but we can’t do anything. You can't wake up on Monday and start loving yourself. A very large percentage of people, especially girls and women, are dissatisfied with their appearance. Conversations on the topic “don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy”, “there are no ideal people”, “everyone is good in their own way”, “appearance is not the main thing - it is important to be a good person” only hurt people who are insecure about themselves even more. How to change in the best side if you are disgusted by your reflection in the mirror. Let's do one simple exercise. Go to the mirror and evaluate your appearance in detail: - what you are happy with; - what you are not happy with. Surely you like something about your appearance. Mark what you consider to be your highlight: - luxurious hair; - playful look; - even white teeth; - maybe long legs or the way you dress. And so, first we fix attention on what you like about yourself. Next is what you want to change. Talk or write down point by point, for example: - I don’t like the wrinkle between the eyebrows; - or I don’t like my excess weight; - I don’t like the color, length of my hair, the shape of my hairstyle. Most of what you consider to be flaws in appearance can be successfully corrected by modern cosmetology and exercises. Treatments with a cosmetologist or face-building will help tighten your face. In this regard, you can find a lot of courses on the Internet for all areas of the face. As for excess weight, there is even more information: diets for every taste, cosmetic procedures, addresses of gyms. Now that you have outlined a plan, start taking action. You will be surprised how small achievements will increase your self-esteem. Change your attitude towards yourself and the world. But a person is not dissatisfied with himself at all because he has loose skin or insufficiently straight teeth. Even when the figure, hairstyle and face are as close to perfection as possible, such a person will find a new reason for dissatisfaction. But our loved ones do not love us for our beauty. External characteristics and love have nothing in common. Why do you treat yourself this way? You need to learn to look at your reflection without judgment, but with tenderness and love. This is how a mother looks at her child. You can train your eyes on a cute picture of kittens or another object that evokes affection. Look at the picture, and then immediately in the mirror. Record your facial expression in memory. Now look at yourself in the same way. Several workouts in a row will give results. You will get used to this look. Add compliments and words of approval to it. Make it a habit, like brushing your teeth in the morning. And don’t forget to rest, be a little lazy and, of course, treat yourself to small gifts for your success. It will be difficult to overcome the attitude towards yourself that has been formed over the years. Therefore, you need to be patient and remember to do these simple exercises every day. Over time, self-love will become a habit. Don't forget that your relationships are copied by your loved ones. Soon you will notice how your emotional state will begin to stabilize and the attitudes of others will change..
