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I suggest a game. Let's imagine ourselves in a strong fog. White haze. In which there is nothing. What we are going to do? How is it, in general? Non-existence. It’s different for everyone. Someone starts to feel anxious. It's easier for others. These feelings are our attitude towards death. Do we often think about death? Well, not often. And so... It happens. It can be especially overwhelming when a close loved one has died. Here he was - and he is no more. And you won't be there. Even if you get into an accident, but survive, you will be shaken in the turbulence zone. Touching something that you cannot control and change is scary. So you can fall into an existential crisis. Suddenly realize the absence of any unconditional and self-evident meaning of life, its finitude. This is no longer a conflict of instincts and good upbringing... This is a confrontation with the very structure of the world. And besides death, there is also loneliness. With whom we come into this world and with whom we leave it. You cannot find out what the other person is like, decide everything in advance, there is only personal responsibility. And behind it creeps vulnerability. And pain. Hell is other people?) And we are all doomed to feel this way, we are all in the same boat. A teenager behind the wall shouts: “I didn’t ask to give birth!” I understand. Man is condemned to be free. The choice to give up your freedom is the choice of a free person. How to motivate yourself? No way, stay in...!) We have the right, in the end. The psyche represses itself in self-preservation, you just need to distract yourself. Let us thank totalitarian regimes, traditions, capitalism. Why should I think about death when I can buy myself something instead? I'll order online! I scroll through the feed, it has now become endless... I wake up two hours later, finding myself with my pants lowered on the sofa. TV series, alcohol. Yes, I’ll call at least someone, see you. Development is not forced. But let’s still admit one day - yes, life is complicated, full of insoluble problems. And all this is not a reason to despair. Let's find the courage to live with it. A person must find himself and make sure that nothing can save him from himself. In this sense, existentialism is optimism, a doctrine of action... A way to find new values ​​and supports. Understand what to do next. This is the most important question that I usually ask after a person has already fully revealed all his sorrows. How do you usually deal with all this? And we are already starting to figure it out. What could be done differently. What do you really want to do with your freedom??
