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As a rule, psychoanalytic psychotherapy is aimed at identifying and eliminating the underlying causes of external symptoms of psychological illness. This distinguishes psychoanalysis from other psychotherapeutic directions, which are mainly aimed at combating the superficial symptom. The deep cause is always realized in internal tension, which consists of conscious or unconscious impulses directed oppositely to each other. This “conflict of interest” is called neurotic conflict. In most cases, partial resolution of a neurotic conflict occurs through awareness of unconscious tendencies. The analyst cognizes the unconscious through its derivatives, which are not consciously realized by the patient, but manifest themselves in one way or another in external interaction. The following are produced: dreams, symptoms, erroneous actions, slips of the tongue, slips of the tongue, as well as acting out and transference. However, the main way to obtain unconscious derivatives is through free association. The method of free association is that the patient is asked to say whatever comes to mind without trying to follow the logic of statements and eliminating the need for internal assessment of the spoken thought. With the help of the skill of free association, regression occurs and derivatives of the unconscious freely come to the surface. The role of the analyst is to capture elements of unconscious tendencies and analyze them. It must be taken into account that the human psyche, like everything in nature, strives for balance and peace, therefore, to protect its status quo during therapy, it resorts to various types of resistance. These defensive maneuvers originate from the same mental structure as the symptom complex itself. The role of this general structure is to protect the previously created architecture of the psyche. But for the psyche it is not important that a person may suffer from a maladaptive method of organization, which does not appear by chance, but has a compensatory function. Analysis of mental defenses is the first and main step in therapeutic work. Analytical techniques also include transfer reaction analysis, which provides a wealth of valuable material for analysis. The main meaning of transference is that we unconsciously transfer the experience of interacting with important people from the past to new relationships, thus it becomes possible to experience something that has not been experienced before and gain satisfaction. With the help of the transference reaction, patients from time to time, trying to unconsciously resolve an internal conflict, enter into relationships with people and play out the old frustrating scenario. However, being under the yoke of his own expectations, a person perceives objective reality in an extremely distorted way. Transference in psychoanalysis is one of the main tools. The analyst builds the therapeutic situation in such a way that the transference unfolds as much as possible in therapy, which will allow it to be identified, analyzed and ultimately resolved, that is, to eliminate the need for a neurotic repetition of a frustrating experience. Transference can also be resistance to progress in therapy. In the process of interacting with a therapist, patients often experience strong feelings that unfold within the therapeutic dynamic, this may be a desire to please with results or an expectation of evaluation by the therapist; Various forms of rejection, lack of attention, and understanding may also appear - everything that each specific patient tends to manifest in real life. And hostile aggressive feelings, repressed in the early periods of childhood or adolescence, will unconsciously give rise to the desire to rebel against analytical work. But still, the main psychoanalytic work begins only after the patient’s self becomes ready to cooperate with the analyst’s self; such joint cooperation is called a working alliance. The main goal of therapy is to abandon non-working mental defenses and replace them with more flexible ones capable of +7(950)0208923
