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People's attitude towards astrology has always been complex, ambiguous and often contradictory. But today no one will deny the fact of increased interest in astrology. Unfortunately, most people are familiar with the so-called “tabloid” astrology, known from the publication of horoscopes in magazines, newspapers, or on radio and television. I myself have more than once received similar offers, which I refused because I did not want to join the ranks of astrologers, writing forecasts for everyone, and therefore for no one in particular. Getting acquainted with professional astrology is not easy. After all, for this you need to either enroll in an appropriate educational institution, or spend a lot of time with a professional astrologer. What does astrology study? So what does astrology study: What is it for, what kind of thing is this? How can an astrologer really help? Astrology helps a person: * Really fit into the rhythms of the Cosmos, because “as in heaven, so on earth.” * Allows you to explore the present * Analyze the experience of the past * Formulate strategies for achieving goals in the future That is why astrology is so comprehensive and wide-ranging. The starry sky is a huge dial We measure the rhythms of our life using our wristwatches, they are the ones that help us manage many different things and plans. For For an astrologer, the starry sky is a huge dial - the 12 Signs of the Zodiac, and the Planets, the Sun and the Moon are arrows that count down cosmic rhythms. A person who is at odds with a wristwatch dooms himself to trouble - he is late for work, does something at the wrong time and something else. - How. A person who does not pay attention to the cosmic clock creates stressful situations for himself (the stars have nothing to do with it) and makes his life not harmonious. Astrology helps to correctly read the hands of the cosmic clock, and build your life in the harmony of internal and external rhythms. Therefore, everything Forecasts are probabilistic in nature - absolute predetermination simply does not exist. Therefore, every person, thanks to correct behavior and competent use of will, is able to change the future in his favor and to the pleasure of all living, without violating the laws of nature and following the same astrological predictions. Types of astrology Here is just a short list of the most famous and practically used types of astrology :Natal astrology is currently the most widespread. From a horoscope you can learn: the specifics of a person’s temperament, character traits, inclinations and capabilities, instincts and characteristic reactions to external and internal events, features and contradictions, tendencies and inclinations. All this together determines the most important events and directions of individual growth of each person throughout his life. Prognostic - is a set of techniques and rules for the dynamic deployment of the birth horoscope, the use of which makes it possible to predict with a high probability the development trends of a person throughout life or any segment path (year, month, quarter). Horary - at the time a problem arises or at the time the client asks a question, the astrologer draws up a map, which is analyzed in order to obtain a clear answer “yes” or “no”. Medical - includes methods for calculating the rhythm of flow diseases and diagnosis of disorders. Synastric - studies the deep connections and relationships that exist between different people. In terms of complexity, synastric astrology is an order of magnitude more difficult and voluminous than natal astrology. Elective - searching for the most favorable timing for carrying out certain events: opening a business, marriage, buying a large item, profitable sale of real estate, moving to a new job, surgery, etc. In past centuries, the elective was used for fertility planning. Relocational - explores the connection between the rhythms in the sky and human life in different cities and countries, during the move. The complexity and inconsistency of astrology Astrology is very, very: 317284492
