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Unfortunately, many children become victims of pedophilia. But most often they are silent about these circumstances of their lives and do not tell their parents. Why? As a child, every child wants to be heard, accepted and respected by their parents. This is especially true in adolescence, when the child is no longer a child, but not yet an adult. If a child is not respected in the family, his opinion is not taken into account, he is considered small, stupid, etc., then there is a high probability that the child will be flattered if you come to him with a request for help, an offer to show him something interesting, etc. .d. an adult will contact. It would be such an honor for him! An adult turned to him for help! He became interested in him, the child! And then the child agrees and most often does not talk about the agreement with his uncle/aunt to his parents, because he knows for sure that the parents will not understand and will consider the child stupid. As a rule, this adult is not a stranger, but an acquaintance of the parents or a relative. After committing acts of pedophilia, the child in most cases understands that something shameful has happened to him. That mom and dad will be shocked if you tell them. The child often takes responsibility for the relationship between the parents and this adult who committed an act of pedophilia: they will swear at him because of me, they will stop communicating, they may kill him because of me, etc. The child also feels responsible for what happened and often blames himself for not acting correctly, he is to blame, he considers himself the cause of everything that happened to him. Therefore, in most cases, children are silent about what happened and do not believe that adults can help them get through it. In fact, of course, responsibility for pedophilia lies with an adult, a person who is fully aware of his actions, who understands perfectly well what he is doing and why. An adult, unlike a child, can see the situation as a whole, plan future actions, and predict consequences. In a child, all these functions in the brain are formed only by the age of 16. Therefore, an adult can manipulate a child for his own purposes, put pressure on weak points, deceive him, claiming that the parents will scold the child, that the child himself is to blame, etc. Therefore, responsibility for all actions lies only with the adult, and the child is the victim. Thus, it is very important to see your child as a person worthy of respect. It is important to understand that a child is not a second-class person, that he is exactly the same living person as an adult, he also has his own desires, thoughts, feelings, etc. He can't feel for fun. Or not really want it. Or love not with all your heart. Adults often think that children’s problems are small, trivial, and unimportant. But for a child, his problems are very real. And he really doesn’t know how to deal with them if he worries and asks for help. Yes, an adult has more experience and knows how to solve these problems. But this does not make them any less significant for the child. Take care and respect your children! Source
