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To become a tarot reader and metaphorist, a specialist in the field of metaphorical-associative cards and layouts, you must have in-depth knowledge of psychology, people, conflicts, philosophy and different cultures. This is why I am confused by many tarot readers who do not know how to convey information to the client, who do not want to help him, but make readings for the sake of hype and self-affirmation. I received a question from my colleague Yulia Vladimirova. Can cards make mistakes? Cards cannot, but a tarot reader can. And by the way, this does not depend on the experience of the master. Let's consider situations where the psycho-emotional state of the tarot reader leaves much to be desired, and the work, to put it mildly, does not look so flawless. Why? Tarot readers, as well as specialists in the field of metaphorical-associative cards, in the majority their empaths. The symbols that are displayed in the cards are the keys to understanding certain problems that a person has encountered. And the more serious and dramatic the situation, the more difficult it is for the tarot reader to voice it. After all, the fear of hurting someone, or even bringing them to tears, is very great! About the choice of cards. The querent can choose cards on his own, or he can pass the choice to a tarot reader. But in this case, the understanding of responsibility for one’s choice is somewhat dulled. In layouts on social networks, we see how tarot readers independently select and interpret cards, making general layouts. The general layout for me is approximately like a weather forecast: Therefore, on the one hand, a tarot reader and metaphorist must be extremely attentive, no less than a psychologist, be able to enter the client’s field and tune in with him. On the other hand, it is very clear to give recommendations based on the layouts. One very big obstacle to competent interpretation is that a number of cards and symbols have several meanings. And therefore in this aspect it is easier for the metaphorist, since he gives the right to choose the interpretation to the querent. In other cases, the following errors may occur: 1. A dubious-positive attitude (for example, a question about money. The querent approaches in complete hopelessness, what to do and how to solve the financial issue. The tarot reader speaks indistinctly and is more ad-libbed. Like, “I see a state-owned house, there is a lot of money in it, which means it’s important for you to take out loans ! Take a loan and you will be happy! " Agree, the querent, already heavily in debt, is clearly not delighted with such a dubious proposal? And instead of some kind of strategy, a step-by-step plan for resolving the situation, the person leaves with nothing). At the same time, cards They may say the exact opposite. And the financial house (ace of disks/pentacles) may not be a path to greater debt, but a source of solving the issue. In particular, it can be interpreted as an opportunity to contact a bank or microfinance organization on the issue of restructuring and easing some conditions of the credit burden.2. Distraction and leaving the topic. And this can happen. Calls, conversations about nothing, water... It is very important for any specialist in helping professions (from a psychologist to a tarot reader, from a doctor to a lawyer) to understand that a person pays money for consultations and is looking for a solution to a problem, and not a heart-to-heart conversation.. .Unfortunately, many people complain about specialists who tell them about their lives, about some problems, thereby reducing their own competence and violating boundaries.3. Incomprehensible language. Due to the fact that not every specialist has pedagogical skills (and this, in turn, is of enormous importance), the querent either has to listen to a monologue using strange metaphors, complex images and scientific terms, or an extremely primitive review layout.4. Emotional reinforcement A person turns not only for support, but also for some kind of strategy. In particular, how to improve relations with the man you love? To which he suddenly hears this: “Yes, at your age.... oh, I experienced this... this.” Or even “Oh, my poor, unfortunate you... how much have you endured" and then follows a monologue about the perishability of existence and so on... Emotions, of course, should be there. Nose 8 927 282 38 78
