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❄️ Winter Solstice is quickly approaching. A magical time when you can, having let go of the past, boldly look into the future, make wishes, perform rituals. It seems that now everyone is writing about this only 😅On my Telegram channel, I also offered you a good practice of 100 wishes ✨ with several important rules for them writing. Now I want to go into this area of ​​attracting what I want from the other side.✨True desires. What are they? How can I understand that it is I who want this, that my desire is mine, and not something imposed on me by society and the ideals of social networks? Only from a state of silence. Only from the inside. Only by asking yourself honestly and answering honestly. How do I feel when I imagine that my wish has come true? What condition am I experiencing? Is there joy, pleasure, satisfaction? What happens to the body? How does it react? If you feel a surge of pleasant emotions, if goosebumps run through your body, if you feel with your body that the desire is yours, then most likely it is so. Otherwise, it is important to reconsider the desire, understand where it came from for you , understand whether you really want this. What do we ultimately want? It is important for us to get exactly ✨ the state ✨, to experience the thrill of realizing what we want. That is, I want a car not for the sake of the car, but for the sake of the state that I will experience while driving, for example, and my state, again, will attract the next “turns of the spiral.” I want to learn how to scuba dive not for the sake of diving, but to get that buzz and adrenaline rush when I dive into the depths, swim next to sea creatures and look into the eyes of a turtle 🦭. Let's move on to the questions. ❓Ask yourself questions and answer them mentally without hesitation, or better yet, write them down. It’s good if you can turn off your “logical brain” as much as possible and hear the voice of intuition. Trust him and write down everything that comes to your mind. Even if it’s “absurd.” They are the most important to us)) Why do I need this? Why do I want my wish to come true? Who will the realization of my wish bring joy? And the benefits? Why is this so important to me? What should I become for my wish to come true? How will my life change when my wish comes true? How will the world around you change? How will I know that my wish has come true? Who will surround me when everything comes true? What kind of people? Where will I live, what will my home be like, what kind of nature will be around? What will my day be like? What will I do? What actions (!) do I need to take to achieve what I want? What can I do in the next three days? Answers to These questions will help you clarify something, look at something from a different angle, delve into yourself and find within yourself an understanding of why you (and the Universe) need your wish to come true. It is likely that some desires will be crossed out during the work process, and some may be added. May your desires come from the Soul, may they bring you joy and make the World brighter ❤️
