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Probably everyone has heard the phrase “Awareness of a problem is already half the success on the path to solving it.” And indeed in everyday life it is very important not only to understand, but also to realize, what are you doing, what are you feeling, why are you doing this?! Awareness allows you to become an observer and, as it were, look at a problem from the outside, which helps you see different options for solving it. But it is important to understand that awareness is NOT a way to solve a problem. Simply recognizing the problem is not enough, although this is undoubtedly important! To really solve the problem, it is important to take action, make efforts, because nothing will change by itself. But sometimes it happens that a person makes a lot of effort, tries different options, but no results and changes that doesn't happen. And here many give up and fall into a state of “no choice.” Such people are characterized by the following phrases: “I’m banging my head against the wall”, “I’m fighting like a fish on ice”, “I’m spinning like a squirrel in a wheel”, etc. But why is it that even after realizing the problem and taking active steps to resolve it, many people still can't get what you want?! The thing is that here our neuroprograms come into play again and most of these people are under the program “I put in effort, I do NOT get results.” If the program is already installed and activated, you will NOT be able to change it even if you realize that you have it. You can change a destructive program ONLY at the level of neural connections, and this can only be done through neurocorrections. We work through problems at all three levels: consciousness, subconscious and cellular level. To do this, we go to the specific age of formation of this neuroprogram, determine what model of behavior was inherent in this situation, and play out this situation so that our brain writes a new, bright, positive, and most importantly the most effective scenario, tied to dopamine. For example, we install the program - “I want, I do and I get results!” or “Everything comes easy to me and without much effort.” Do you want to have such programs? Then sign up for neurocorrection. Setting up a new program and changing your life is easier than it seems, the main thing is to realize it and do it!)
