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The purpose of a woman? Due to objective reasons, today the conservative stereotype of the perception of a woman and her purpose is blurred. Scientific, technical, socio-political transformations have led to an increase in the educational and professional level of women, an increase in their role in all spheres of public life, and at the same time such phenomena and problems as the family crisis, the devaluation of feelings of motherhood in the social and individual levels. Recently, such problems of interpersonal relations as the contradictions between the equality of women and the possibilities for its implementation, between the demands of social progress and backward views on the place of a woman in the family, between the functions of a full citizen and the real situation in her family, between social professional and family functions of women. For a woman, the function of a leader is actually an additional burden that is added to the burden of doing housework and raising children. With regret, we can state that interest in this problem has flared up like a fire and then died out over the course of 10-15 years. Today, increased interest in family and marriage is due to a number of reasons. A third of all marriages turn out to be unviable. The issue of strengthening marriage and improving the marriage structure of the population is acquiring critical national importance in connection with the problem of the birth rate. Solving such problems is unthinkable without studying the mechanisms of intrafamily relationships. The socio-psychological climate in the family determines the stability of these relationships and has a decisive influence on the development of both children and adults. Most modern scientists have come to the conclusion that the fight against negative social phenomena - male and female apathy or aggressiveness, leading to an increase in alcoholism and drug addiction, growing crime, mental disorders, cannot be effective if the role of marital relations in the occurrence of these phenomena is not taken into account . Satisfaction with marital relations The psychological climate of a family is not something immutable, given once and for all. It is created by members of each family and it depends on their efforts whether it will be favorable or unfavorable. The initial basis for a favorable family climate is marital relationships and the satisfaction of spouses with these relationships. Modern marriage is based on the compatibility of modern people as individuals. Living together requires spouses to be willing to compromise, to be able to take into account the needs of their partner, to give in to each other, and to develop such qualities as mutual respect, trust, and mutual understanding. From time immemorial, a woman in a family has been assigned the role of keeper of the hearth. She is, after all, the connecting link in a marriage relationship with a man. And the fact that the modern world makes the same demands on her as on a man - the need for professional self-realization, the need to provide for a family and children, active participation in public life - puts her on the same level as a man and, at the same time, places responsibility which exceeds the responsibility of men. And at the same time, a woman is obliged to improve the life of the family, control the process of development and education of children, organize their leisure time, and remain attractive and desirable to a man. In such conditions, a modern woman is simply forced from being a feminine, soft, gentle keeper of the hearth to become more active, tough and even aggressive. There is a certain relationship between a woman’s satisfaction with marital relations and the division of household labor. In cases where household responsibilities are entirely or completely carried out by a woman, only 59% of marriages are assessed by respondents as happy and satisfactory; in cases where the husband helps his wife, this figure reaches 88%, and when both spouses bear the same burden - 94%. In families with an egalitarian distribution of roles in which the husband helped his wife,. –1999. - №3.
