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From the author: Why do many seemingly quite decent Russian people hate Europe so much, which has not done anything bad to them personally? There is also such a disease in our area...... This infection is structured like this: BEGINNING So, the Russian man sets off on a trip, or rather on vacation to Europe. Or maybe not quite Russian, or even not Russian at all, but simply lives in Russia... or in some of the countries kindred to it in spirit... This note, as will become clear later, is fundamentally important both for the nature of the disease and for its subsequent dynamics. Therefore, he flies to Barcelona... or maybe to some distant beautiful Italy or France... and of course, he is not there to wander around museums and look at all sorts of Gaudis. Naturally, he flies in to enjoy shopping and lie on the beach. And the shops there are bursting with the coveted Dolce-and-Gabana, as well as Louis Vuitton, and everything his little heart desires... Happiness is usually three times cheaper than in our country, or even up to ten times cheaper on sale... even though all these lovely little things are made in the same China, and our hero himself knows about this in the depths of his soul. But this is not a pathology, as long as everything is like in people. Having had plenty of time and stocked up with junk, which Europeans have not worn for a long time, since this kind of thing is now produced exclusively for Russians, Albanians and Arabs... So, having enjoyed shopping, he - or she - goes to the beach... at home on the beach he will not have much time to soak up , because it’s a garbage dump... and the water in his native river is like at the bottom of a cesspool, and children also swim there... And here he lies on the dazzlingly clean European sand and a refreshing sea breeze blows on him, and in the room there are mountains of bags and bundles, and life Every minute it becomes more beautiful and more fun... But this is not yet a disease, but its threshold. FIRST PHASE Problems begin when our hero returns to his homeland. And from the first steps in his native land, he begins to feel a fever, and a certain inner feeling reminiscent of a sudden urge to feel sick... Upon arriving home, he begins to have a withdrawal period, which lasts on average a week. In severe cases, it may take longer. All this time, a person cannot go outside without disgust and feels endlessly unhappy. He doesn’t want to communicate with anyone, doesn’t want to go to work, and doesn’t even want to watch TV at all. Everywhere there are pig snouts, angry faces and tense, neurotic masks permanently attached to their faces, hiding unbearable and inescapable suffering... instead of open and smiling human faces. Stern faces of border guards and customs officers accusing you of all possible crimes, outrageous and arrogant taxi drivers, the groping and greedy gaze of a policeman with impunity... I hope we didn’t miss anything. Oh yes, of course... also, the gray, gloomy and cloudy sky overhead. Naturally harmonizing with it are the shabby, cracked walls of houses... and even uglier new buildings. Tasteless clothes of passers-by... and a monstrous Russian chanson instead of a Spanish guitar... although the performers' instruments are essentially the same... but it is unlikely that the Spaniard knew that this could be done with a guitar. And to top it off, TV. A muddy stream of slop, TV series about cops and news where people fighting in hysterics say that the world lies in the sin of Sodom and is plotting against our beautiful country... This is such a clinical picture. SECOND PHASE After a week, the person gets used to his homeland, and the symptoms of the first phase completely disappear. It restores performance, ability to communicate and sexual potency. It seems that everything is behind us. The pig's snouts again turn into the familiar faces of compatriots hurrying about their business, and they look essentially cute... In a word, everything returns to normal. But... behind the showcase of restored health, the latent phase of the disease lies dormant. What happened caused severe trauma to the psyche... This trauma, repressed from awareness, continues to exist in the unconscious sphere of a person, guiding him in appearance.…
