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Stars live not only in the night sky. And not only show business figures and great athletes are called this way. Any company should have its own “star,” because any organization will be successful only if it has its own leader and guide to the world of business. What is “stardom” and how does it relate to “star fever” from a psychological point of view psychologist Marina Vedishcheva told us. How would you define the concept of “stardom”? “Stardom” can be called such qualities as brightness and success - qualities of a leader that are necessary and favorable for the development of any business. And these qualities manifest themselves, first of all, in the “star’s” attitude towards work, the team and the company as a whole. Faith in the work he is doing, his instincts and will provide the energy resource that comes from the “star”. After all, the strength of such a leader lies in the fact that with his energy he can lead the company in any direction. Both to success and prosperity, and to a successful collapse. - What qualities should define a “star” leader? - A “star”, that’s why it’s a star, to shine high, to see far. Such a leader not only illuminates the prospect of development, but also serves as a guiding beacon for other employees. The “star” sets the tone for the company, shapes its style, and attracts people to it. This places a huge responsibility on the leader. — How many “stars” can one company unite? — Nothing says in favor of the fact that the number of stars in a company should be limited. Not at all. But “stars” should not compete with each other. One person is a good leader, another is a brilliant generator of ideas, the third may not be able to offer anything of his own, but he will implement any project. And then, if everyone is in their place, then such a powerful backbone will be formed in the company, which will work in the most remarkable way in favor of the entire business.—Is it worth attracting already “lit stars” to the company?—Attracting “stars”—already formed—to the team specialists is always to the benefit of the company, since in this case we are talking about an infusion of new resources. But there is some subtlety here that is worth considering. It is first necessary to carry out serious and painstaking work to include a newcomer into the team - this is a matter of team building. After all, if the team for some reason does not accept the “star,” then no matter how super-specialized the person is, he will not be able to reveal his potential. As a rule, such people, of course, cope with the task themselves - to join the team - but they need help. - When does “stardom” cease to be a positive phenomenon? - “Stardom” ceases to be a blessing when symptoms of “stardom” begin to appear - pride and arrogance. That is, a person’s attitude towards other people simply changes for the worse. He ceases to evaluate the interlocutor as an equal partner in the dialogue, constantly violates his personal rights, putting his own position invariably higher. And most importantly, he stops hearing the interlocutor. As a result, the necessary cooperation turns into outright manipulation. - Why does this happen? - This is a consequence of the fact that a person loses the boundaries of his own capabilities. The desire to control everything and everyone, combined with distrust, plus a slight touch of contempt for people is added - here is the formula for “star fever.” - What to do if the company has a person with “star fever”? - If the manager reveals that in his If an employee appears on the team with obvious signs of star fever, then, first of all, he should pay attention to his own behavior. As the proverb says, a fish rots from the head. Exactly the same here. If employees have any shortcomings, then you should pay close attention to yourself, since in this case we are talking about a chain reaction. That is, if you manipulate, then the one you are manipulating will, in turn, definitely find an object on which he can take revenge, which he will have enough strength to subjugate.— And the “star.)
