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It was, wasn’t it, at the very edge of the sky two Bereginyas, grandmother Bereginya, gray-haired, sedate, and a granddaughter, were sitting by the light. Quietly they carried on their conversation: - well, what kind of Beregini are we, grandma... we didn’t save Vasilisa’s child... - how could we not save her? - Well, grandma, can’t you hear her crying? - yes, she’s grieving, okay , what is crying... - yes, how is it? She also blames herself for not getting enough rest, not taking this folic acid... - well, it’s okay, granddaughter, she’ll grieve, and it will go away for her... not right away, of course... acceptance is not easy for anyone right away - but maybe still Should I have taken this acid and vitamins? how long will she grieve now? - here, dear, everyone has their own time, and not a day will be less... well, what’s her fault, look at the neighbors’ children, they are born and grow like weeds, no supervision, no vitamins, all this is nonsense, it’s not her fault and she herself will understand it... but tears for a woman are like rain for mother earth, they bring cleansing and renewal. - so, well, why why, why did this happen... and I feel sorry for the child and Now she will never become the mother of this child... - yes, no matter how she doesn’t, she is his mother now and forever, in that, you and I and Beregini, we will cherish her memory of motherhood and the heavenly child. We will keep love and tenderness in her heart. - But how can we understand whether it was a boy or a girl? - We and Vasilisa don’t even need to understand, the child herself knows, that’s the main thing... After a pause, Bereginya stroked her granddaughter on the head and continued: - Why Vasilisa herself will understand why what happened happened, not now, of course, not right away. Life weaves its pattern, a little later the plan will be revealed to Vasilisa and her husband, they will see their pattern, they will appreciate it from the height of the years they have lived... Now do you see a new star on the left? Behold, the child’s soul, like a beacon, will shine for Vasilisushka throughout her life. And the child... will invisibly protect her and her family, you see how she found a new protector for herself... The baby saw so many stars in the heavens that it was impossible to count that new bright star that her grandmother told her about and in her soul it became calmer... Thank you for your attention! Sincerely, Evgenia Valerievna Rumyantseva.
