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The first part of the analysis of this issue can be read here: https://www.b17.ru/article/515205/I would like to repeat that it is very difficult to interact with this kind of people. The problem of understanding is not easy, considering that the partner practically does not voice his desires. You have to guess for yourself, otherwise their execution will lose all value. All this is a consequence of the fact that at an early age his needs were not correctly voiced or guessed. A person simply does not have the habit of speaking out loud about his desires. He may not be aware of them himself. An example is the following situation: a girl was asked what to give her for her birthday, she replied that she did not need anything and did not need to give her a gift. But on her birthday, having not received the gift she wanted, the girl begins to get angry and annoyed that people themselves did not realize that she needed this gift. Try looking through your childhood photo album. I wonder who you'll see there. A rosy-cheeked, little toddler or a gloomy and dissatisfied “poor thing”? But you should understand that a dissatisfied person, in any case, also wants to be happy. It’s just that since childhood he’s not used to getting exactly what he wants and it’s quite difficult for him to make life choices. For example, a young man got a new job, but upon starting his official duties, he realized that he was not doing what he was interested in - he expected something completely different. After a conversation with him, it turned out: * The young man himself was not clearly aware of what kind of work he would like to do; * When he went to work, he did not show himself from a professional point of view; * The young man himself signed an agreement with a fixed salary, but in the end the amount seemed too small for him. Hence the anger and irritation; * When applying for a job, he did not find out under what conditions he would have to work. As a result, he found himself in an uncomfortable environment for himself; We can conclude that the young man made the choice of a new job in a state of frustration, and, not surprisingly, he was dissatisfied. I would like to ask the question: “What should be the reasons for the mother to be unable to satisfy her on time or correctly? needs of the child?” There can be many such reasons: * Financial instability, lack of security, lack of emotional and material resources, etc.; * The mother has exactly the same character structure. Due to its manifestation, she cannot guess what the baby wants, which means she cannot satisfy his needs; * The mother is guided by the principles inherent in the 4th character structure. This means he performs actions without listening to the wishes of others. Or he pretends to listen “for show”; * There has been a new addition to the family. And with the appearance of another child, concerns about the first often fade into the background.* Other reasons; Often, the parents themselves make sure that the child does not subsequently voice his desires. For example, the child is asked the question: “What do you want?” After receiving unsatisfactory results for the parents to answer, they explain to him that his desire for some reason is bad, they will not do anything to fulfill it, or they will try to do it, but partially, or not in the way the child needs. It would seem that “dissatisfied” people should be pitied , because they are not to blame for their character. They try to change something in their lives, but, as a rule, it is almost impossible to achieve what they want. For them there will always be “something wrong.” Any person strives to ensure that there is some kind of integrity in his life. Often the choice that a “dissatisfied” person makes does not lead to the expected result. This integrity is very difficult for him to achieve. In such cases, you need to make changes to your behavior, adjust your life principles and attitudes. However, not everyone is able to recognize the need for these changes. Some simply do not want to understand that their character is characterized by excessive pessimism, while others do not want to change anything about it. After reading.
