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Insomnia is one of the most severe consequences of anxiety and the depression it causes. Some people have difficulty falling asleep (this type of insomnia is usually associated with anxiety), while others wake up constantly (early morning insomnia is associated with both anxiety and depression). Typically, when the symptoms of anxiety and depression are alleviated as a result of psychotherapy, insomnia also subsides and the person rests better during sleep. However, there are a number of cognitive behavioral techniques aimed at working directly with insomnia. Below, some of them will be described in more detail. HOW TO OVERCOME INSOMNIA Stick to a sleep schedule. Try to organize your life in such a way that you go to bed and get up at approximately the same time. This means that you will need to go to bed and get up regardless of how tired you feel. Don't sleep during the day. Sleeping during the day is nice and seems to help restore strength, but napping during the day disrupts your circadian rhythm. You need to train your brain to fall asleep and wake up at a certain time. Therefore, avoid daytime sleep. In bed - only sleep. Insomnia is often triggered by nervous stimulation that occurs right before sleep while you are lying in bed. Many people who have trouble sleeping are in bed reading, watching TV, talking on the phone, or just lying around and worrying about everything in the world. As a result, an association of going to bed with worries and anxiety arises. Therefore, it is important to use the bed exclusively for sleeping. Read and talk on the phone in another room. Do not answer calls if you have already gone to bed. Try to avoid nervous excitement an hour before going to bed. Try not to argue or take on difficult tasks close to bedtime. You don't need to agitate yourself. An hour before bedtime, arrange a quiet time for yourself. Do something relaxing or boring. Avoid physical activity during this time. Organize your “worry time” and to-do list in advance. Insomnia is usually associated with excessive mental activity. You just think too much before going to bed. Perhaps you're lying in bed, thinking about what you need to do tomorrow, or thinking about what happened during the day. Set aside time to worry at least three hours before you go to bed. Write down your experiences, ask yourself what productive actions you need to take, make a to-do list, plan tomorrow and the coming week, accept your limitations (you won’t be able to do everything, something will not work out perfectly, there will always be some uncertainty). If you're lying in bed at night worrying about everything, get up, write down what you're worrying about, and put off thinking about it until tomorrow. You don't need to know all the answers right now. Express your feelings. Sometimes insomnia is associated with accumulated emotions and feelings that bother you. It is useful to set aside “feeling time” a few hours before going to bed - and write down everything you feel. For example: “today I was worried and angry because of Boris’s words.” Try to list as many points as possible. Try to justify them. Have compassion for yourself, assert your right to emotions, and accept that sometimes you can feel anxious. And then put it all aside. Do this exercise at least three hours before going to bed. Drink as little as possible before bed. The need to empty the bladder often prevents us from sleeping. In the evening, do not consume foods containing caffeine, heavy, fatty, sugary foods, alcohol, etc. If necessary, consult a nutritionist and create a diet that will promote healthy sleep. Get out of bed if you cannot sleep. If you lie awake for more than 15 minutes, get up and go to another room. Write down your negative thoughts and rational responses to them. This is what usually comes to people’s minds before going to bed: “I won’t get enough sleep”; "If I don't"
