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Whoever is familiar with the work (and especially the biography) of Marshall Mathers knows how many “cockroaches” this greatest artist had and still has to fight in his head. Let me briefly remind you for others. Eminem's father left the family six months after the birth of his son and has not appeared in the musician's life since then. Well, that is, until 2001, when the rapper had already become famous (the man claimed that he did not need his son’s money). But Eminem didn’t believe it and didn’t accept his dad. Photo: w-dog.ru The rapper’s mother had obvious mental problems, in particular, Mathers spoke about Munchausen syndrome - attributing various diseases to himself. Deborah constantly considered herself terminally ill and unhappy, and therefore she had no time to take care of her son. So raising the child fell on the grandparents. When the mother took the child, she did strange things, for example, dressed him in girl’s dresses. And she constantly brought new “dads”, so that soon Uncle Todd, who served time for manslaughter, became an example of masculine behavior for young Mathers. And Deborah also used drugs and alcohol, which is why, in the end, she was deprived of parental rights to her second child... Eminem had already grown up by that time - with a whole “bouquet” of mental problems. This is such a personal “hell”. You won't be jealous! But the most interesting thing is that the musician has no problems with the law. Drug addiction appeared later, amid a crazy touring schedule, but Eminem coped with it too. What helped him? My subjective opinion is his lyrics. The rapper built almost his entire career on honest poetry, in which he was not afraid to turn his soul inside out. Literally cleared the closet of “skeletons”, talking about difficult relationships with his mother, wife, drunken parties and other unsightly details of his biography. What am I talking about? It is known that writing down your experiences on paper helps reduce their severity and even completely get rid of pain. Of course, not all people are able to talk openly about feelings in front of a large audience, as Eminem does. Some cannot allow themselves to open up even to loved ones. For this case, there is the good old method of keeping a diary. And let the notebook lie in a secluded place so that no one finds or reads it! Subsequently, you can burn particularly “compromising” pages. The main thing is not to accumulate negative emotions in yourself! Pour them onto paper, carefully, not forgetting about the details, describe your feelings, cry if necessary... And let go of the situation. She won't bother you anymore.
