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There are different ways to cope with routine - things that do not bring any particular pleasure, but are absolutely necessary for us. You can do it through the “need”, using willpower, or you can do it in a different way. How?.. Method 1 seems to be on the surface. I mean the external surroundings - for example, you can organize your workplace in an unusual way in order to begin work duties with pleasant emotions. Method 2, in my opinion, is less obvious, but more effective. It is based on the development of INTEREST in routine through awareness. What does interest have to do with it? The point is that this emotion helps us move mountains, right? Remember yourself when you are interested in something, curious - do you need to make titanic efforts in this situation or are things done easily and quickly? Indeed, interest motivates us to move towards the goal and the process goes much faster than when we do something automatically, without inspiration. So, imagine SOMETHING that you usually do without enthusiasm - an annual report or, for example, cleaning the house. Then, At the earliest opportunity, start doing this task, completely immersing yourself in it. Be “here and now”. In this state, try to do something in a new way - for example, slowly... or change the order of operations, or use some other method or tool (for example, instead of a conventional, hand-held vacuum cleaner, a modern one that moves on its own, or a delicious-smelling detergent, etc.) After 10-15 minutes, you will feel that your condition has changed - irritation and anxiety have been replaced by calm and curiosity. This is exactly what you need! Things will be done easily, and in addition, you will get a new experience for yourself, which, as is known, forms new neural connections in the brain. If you think that by nature you are not a very curious person, do not be upset, curiosity and interest can be developed. For example While walking along the streets of your hometown, try to imagine that you find yourself in a completely STRANGER city. And start looking at it, noticing new details: houses, trees, people, birds, architecture... I wonder what new things you can notice? I wish you to enjoy this little experiment, as well as the successful completion of your routine affairs, without violence against yourself!
