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Cars are different, they are produced by different automakers, they are of different colors, they have different equipment, prices, they drive on different roads, etc. Now let’s imagine a person, he also has everything of his own and is very special, different from others: his own parents (mom and dad, with their genetics and system of generic values); their own characteristics of the perinatal period, depending on what his mother ate, what emotions she experienced, how she programmed the child’s future; in the process of growing up, “running in” of life attitudes also occurs in different conditions, these can be comfortable conditions with private lessons from the best teachers or periodic lessons (depending on weather conditions) in the remote taiga; food (aka gasoline), massage, rest (aka car maintenance), comfortable housing or life wherever necessary (aka a warm garage or parking on the street); etc. Startup (Startup) - the beginning of the development path, all people have the same, the egg meets the sperm, and then everyone has their own scenario for the development of events, paths and roads diverge here. Two cars produced from the same assembly line in the same period of time, after a couple of years, can differ greatly in their level of wear and tear and technical condition. Likewise, in people, by a certain age, one can observe cardinal differences: attitude to life, level of psychological fatigue, presence or absence of plans for the future, etc. Let’s take, for example, two women aged 35-40 years: 1st with a pessimistic outlook on the future. Key phrases: “Life wasn’t all smooth sailing,” “I’m getting old,” “Nothing can surprise me anymore.” Lack of sparkle in the eyes and just Groundhog Day, with one single thought: “When will this all end?” If we compare the life path of this heroine, through the image of a car, then such a car was most likely always driven off-road, with wear and tear, maintenance (maintenance) was carried out from time to time and not always in a timely manner, gasoline was of poor quality, etc. 2nd with an optimistic set up for the future. Key phrases: “There are so many interesting and unknown things in this life”, “Life is a joy”, “What are my years! " “I’ll still give 18-year-olds a head start,” etc. If we compare it with the car image, then there is a clear contrast with image No. 1. Sometimes it is difficult for a client to openly talk about his life path and then the analogy method, including comparing himself with someone or something else (in this case, a car) allows you to most fully and in detail describe everything that happened in the client’s life. The client willingly joins in this game and quite colorfully begins to describe his path from the assembly line to the track where he is now, about all his rust and shabby interior... And finally... Try to compare your life according to the same principle, and if anything... then you are not satisfied, ask yourself a question - What is stopping you from turning off-road onto a flat, well-lit, comfortable road? There is always a choice; there would be a desire and desire to achieve the goal. You can justify yourself by referring to various conditions, to the political situation, to this cruel world, to loans, to the prohibitions of your environment, you can, but is it necessary... In this case, it is appropriate to remember the proverb: “Whoever wants, looks for opportunities, whoever doesn’t want - looking for reasons.” I wish you a smooth, comfortable, pleasant and well-lit road of your life’s journey!!! With respect, Your psychologist, kinesiologist Olga Fedorovna Pokormyak http://psyolia.com/https://vk.com/club59839765
