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From the author: More information about the project “Are you ready to be a mother” on the website It would seem that what is so difficult about giving birth to a child? Motherhood is a program laid down by nature. A woman is given the ability to conceive a child, bear it and give birth to it. But, more and more often, women are faced with difficulties on the way to having a child. Approximately 15% of married couples in Russia are diagnosed with infertility, and according to some data, about 30% of couples who seek medical help for infertility face what is called psychological infertility. Infertility, or the as-yet unrealized desire to have a child, is not a topic that is discussed out loud at social gatherings. This topic is intimate, personal and very often painful. A woman wants to become a mother, but for some reason the child is in no hurry. Conception becomes a complexity that was not ordained by nature. A seemingly natural process becomes a problem. The ability for motherhood is there. There is no motherhood. There is a desire to become a mother. There is a decision to have a child. Planning work has begun. A month passes, two months, six months, and the pregnancy test stubbornly shows one line. And the woman begins to panic. What does she do next? She goes to the doctor. He gets tested and undergoes treatment. Possibly surgery. More months pass. Sometimes, years. But the child is still missing. How to communicate with friends during this period? How to answer the question: “When are you going to have a child?” The woman is increasingly left alone with her questions, to which no one gives answers. The doctor says, “in general, everything is fine with you, girl.” And he can write down on the card, “infertility of unknown origin.” What’s wrong? And the woman begins to go around her circle of questions. Physiologically healthy, she thinks. The relationship with my husband is good. Having a child is supportive. There is a place to live. Everything is fine financially. There are all external signs of readiness for motherhood. But there is no child. Not everything turns out to be as simple as it was thought at the beginning of pregnancy planning. In addition to external readiness for motherhood, you also need to come to an agreement with your body, to come to an agreement with yourself about the birth of a child. There are psychological reasons that may prevent a woman from becoming a mother. Or, not to let the child into her life. Wanting a child and letting him into your life are two different things. If you have been planning a child for several months or several years, but pregnancy does not occur, or you are unable to carry the child to term, then, most likely, Somewhere inside you are not ready to accept a child into your life. Psychologically not ready. And here it is important to work with thoughts. The psyche is not a simple thing. And perhaps somewhere in the depths of the subconscious lies the reason why there is still no child. In such cases they talk about psychological infertility. And here, as in a fairy tale, go there, I don’t know where—they haven’t come up with pills for psychological infertility yet. In each case, something different works—for some it is enough to fill the “enchanted” well, for others it is enough to find a scarlet flower, and for others it is necessary to disenchant the prince of salt. For each princess, read, for each woman, there will be its own solution. Infertility, or the desire to have a child that has not yet been realized, is not a diagnosis, it is a woman’s condition, and a temporary one. There is such a thing called “infertility” in the body and head of a woman and whispers various horrors to her. But infertility is not a death sentence, it is just a stop on the road to motherhood. And also, this is an opportunity to understand yourself. Is something taking the place of a child in your life? What is it? In order for the temporary state of infertility to change to another, to real motherhood, it is necessary to understand yourself. What kind of stumbling blocks lie on your path to a child? - These could be fears: fear of childbirth or fear of not becoming a good mother, fear that your figure will change, and life will no longer be the same. It's scary to lose your usual way of life and your favorite thing. Fear is a very strong protector and will not let a woman go where she thinks it will be bad for her.—.
