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Continuation. Start at the link. Sometimes you want to ask yourself: wouldn’t it be easier to abandon this relationship? And after some painful story with a man, an angry desire comes to send: Or maybe it’s true that it’s somehow better without them? Well, calmer for sure. Firstly, you need to give yourself the right to live the life you want. You don't owe anyone anything. And indeed, you can send any relationship anywhere if it’s better for you. Secondly, the fear of relationships does not arise out of nowhere. Another person can affect your life, its quality and even its duration. Therefore, when choosing who to build a relationship with, you need to be very careful. And remember that nothing lasts forever under the sun. You are changing. People around you change. And what was good for you yesterday may already be slowing down and aggravating you today. And here, see point one. Thirdly, relationships can give a lot. But they need to be built not anyhow, but wisely. With feminine wisdom. Because a woman can get a lot from a man, especially if she allows herself to love herself. And she fills her life with something beautiful, and does not try to fill the hole of loneliness with the help of a man. We truly grow and develop only in relationships. But we can grow through pain and fear, or we can grow through joy and love. I would not advise giving up relationships, they contain a huge number of opportunities for personal growth, a lot of things that can give life a charming flair and a special meaning. This means that more and more opportunities will appear in your life for harmonious self-realization and the growth of desired opportunities. With a partner suitable for us, we can get from life many times more than what we want. It is important that we be honest with ourselves. You can be happy in a relationship. You can be happy outside of it. And you can also suffer with or without a partner. But the desire to feel closeness is a natural human desire. And the inability to build deep, trusting relationships can cause internal pain and discomfort, which sometimes people try to hide behind the bravado of “I feel good as it is.” The main thing is that you really feel it, and not declare it for others. In addition, understanding your own internal motives, fears, beliefs and needs is an absolute task of personal development. And when you do this, you will see that relationships give more joy and benefit than they take away nerves and strength. We will continue in the next publication. I will be glad to see your comments and support. And further, in order to stay up to date with useful and important information, subscribe on the published material! Sign up for a consultation by phone, WhatsApp +7 962 852-55-80 or here
