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Let's first define why "eternal" and why "game"? Firstly. At the individual level. Fear and aggression can easily flow into each other. As children, we loved to play tag (tag). Look also at kittens, puppies, and other animals, how they take turns running after each other. They play with fear and aggression. Remember your feelings in both roles - both the one running away and the one catching up. These were sincere, light children's feelings! As adults, or more precisely, grown up (when growing up, not everyone takes the position of “adult”), we experience “adult” fear and aggression, that is, we begin to treat them no longer as a child’s game. By getting involved in these emotions, we simultaneously complicate them, make them heavier, highlighting from them horror, panic, trepidation, rage, anger, anger, etc. We become their “slaves”, as if we belong to them, and not they to us. A logical question arises: “Who is the boss of whom?..” But, in fact, the “game” remains - the “eternal game.” Either you are running after someone, or he is running after you. And, sometimes, we both don’t notice how and at what moment we changed places...Secondly. At the general level. Recently, trainings, methods and techniques that use the term “regression” have become very popular. We are talking, first of all, about age regression. In fact, the concept of “regression” has existed in psychology since the time when they began to study the higher and lower forms of human psychological defense. But, both in the case of an individual person and in the case of humanity, during pandemics, natural disasters, and other external factors of social upheaval, mass fears and panic attacks, global aggression, conflicts and contradictions intensify in society... We seem to “fall into to childhood" all together, protecting themselves from changes, forced restructuring, in a word, from the Transition... So, blind fears of uncertainty and unbridled aggression... Thirdly. At the level of tradition. In fact, fear and aggression, both at the human level and at the societal level, can be considered as a dualism of energies. And not just as emotions, behavioral patterns, forms of defense, etc. This is a more subtle consideration that can be found in cultural traditions. In the philosophy of Tao, fear growing in the kidneys in relation to aggression baked in the liver is the feminine principle. Accordingly, aggression in relation to fear is masculine energy. Thus, the mutual flow of aggression and fear becomes understandable from the point of view of the well-known Yin and Yang mandala. As well as relationship problems, it is convenient to view them through the prism of problems with the emotions of fear and aggression. It is said that this is the crudest consideration of the dualism of Yin and Yang, but people's problems are solved at the level at which these people live, act, think. Indeed, the male sex hormone testosterone reflects the level of aggression, and female estrogens are associated with subcutaneous fat and are also expressed in fears. As is known, every person, regardless of gender, contains both masculine and feminine principles. I repeat, this is the crudest consideration of dualism on the animal, even vegetative level. Fear has the following vegetative characteristics - cold, wet, heavy, inert. Aggression is hot, wet, active, heavy (in both cases, heavy and wet sweat remains). In the traditions of Tantra you can also find an interesting view of the flow of the feminine into the masculine, and vice versa. So, by reincarnating, that is, being reborn, a man becomes a woman, and a woman a man (if not achieved, has achieved full spiritual realization). Slavic traditions say that in old age the grandfather becomes soft like a woman, and the grandmother becomes hard like a man. Yoga and pranayama have their own the goal is to harmonize the “sun” and “moon”, male and female, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Is this why recently, along with regression trainings, a lot of Rod trainings have appeared? And, as in the case of regression, there are a variety of generic approaches, depending on the level of education and experience of the master,trainer. Now let's discuss in more detail what to do, how to solve the problems of fear and aggression. And let's start from the opposite (reverse), that is, how not to try to solve these problems. Here is a fundamental point for me: I urge you not to get rid of the basic energies behind fear and aggression. I consider it a methodological mistake of our time to teach people to “get rid of”, “let go”, “free themselves”, “eliminate”, etc. fear and aggression. But most often this is exactly what they say, and less often: “accept”, “come”, “return”, “solve”... The problem is being replaced by what feeds it. Fear and aggression are our basic energies. Fear is also called “rudimentary” energy (as already mentioned, fear “grows” in the kidneys), and aggression is the energy of “building the external world” (aggression is “baked” in the liver). Getting rid of these basic energies will mean getting rid of a very significant part of yourself. But it’s worth solving the problems of fear and aggression! A striking example of this unsuccessful strategy of “running away from yourself” is panic attacks. Here aggression is superimposed on fear, but fear periodically takes precedence over aggression. From this point of view, in a panic attack we seem to be trying to solve our earthly problems at the level of the Cosmos, trying to “fly away” from the problems here and now. But you can’t “fly” far, the Earth pulls you back... Aggression, being the energy of “building the external world,” that is, a source of purely earthly perception, is simply incompetent for “space flights.” At that time, fear, on the contrary, acts as a kind of universal fuel, which also feeds aggression both on Earth and in Space. So it turns out that you cannot run away from fear, because fear fuels this desire. And the more you try to run away from your fear, the more you experience it. This means that we will solve the problem differently. In addition to what was said above, in traditions there is a view of inhalation as the feminine principle, and exhalation as the masculine principle. According to what has been said, it turns out that inhalation is associated with the energy of fear, and exit is associated with the energy of aggression. Indeed, inhalation constrains us, directs us inward, it is dense and viscous, inhalation is a subtle form of food. Exhalation, on the contrary, is directed outward, it is a subtle form of action, right up to “the sky itself.” It is fair to assume that the laws of food obey the laws of inhalation, and the laws of behavior obey the laws of exhalation. At a subtle level, inhalation and exhalation act as two arts. Nowadays, we have to “re-learn” both inhalation and exhalation, because we do them blindly in life, and not always correctly. Blind fear and uncontrollable aggression are a direct reflection of incorrect inhalation and exhalation. And modern crises confirm this. In fact, problems of fear are problems of incorrect inhalation, and problems of aggression are problems of incorrect exhalation. Let's look at the different mechanisms of the relationship between fear and aggression. As has already been said, fear can flow into aggression as a natural result - from a stopper uncertainty into the activity of cognition. This is a “childish” mechanism, the simplest, most widespread and accessible to us. But this case gives rise to modern problems of the “adult” world. In another case, fear can be solved not only by direct physical influence, but overcome by the mind of cognition, that is, awareness of fear, healthy reflection. Thus, we seem to jump in cognition over the stage of aggression, rage, anger. However, anger is also capable of flowing into awareness. Then the step between fear and awareness is there, but this is again the first case. Do we have a choice - to flow from fear to anger, then to awareness, or immediately overcome fear with awareness? The first case is passive flow. The second case of overcoming requires proper knowledge and awareness, requires additional training, cultivation of the mind, methods of reflection, self-regulation, etc. Friends! Let's be fair to the first case: aggression is also directly overcome by methods of self-regulation, awareness, and meditation. Yes, and reflection itself naturally flows into deeper practices. This path requires.
