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Surely, you already know that the mistakes of our ancestors have a HUGE impact on us. Not only can they be repeated, but they are also passed on to us by inheritance. Why does this happen? Thus, genetic memory does a good job for us, protects and protects, since its main function is the self-preservation of the race. But the problem is that it begins to protect us from wealth, happiness, love, and so on. So, for example, if a grandfather was dispossessed, then in his genetic memory there remains information that it is dangerous to be rich, and subsequently his descendant will be very It’s difficult to make money, because at the subconscious level it is written that MONEY IS EVIL. I first read about the fact that the mistakes of our ancestors can influence us in the Bible, in the story of Abram, when he married his wife Sarah to his sister, then he, Of course, I regretted it very much. But despite this, a few years later, his son did the same to his wife. Back then I was very surprised by this fact, but when I began to study this topic deeper, I discovered that in our blood there is all the information about our ancestors, and about what happened to them, good or bad. If our grandfather killed innocent people, even by order, or during a war, this can result in an incredible feeling of guilt for us, because of which we will constantly attract situations or people that will further provoke this feeling in us. Or if our grandmother married the wrong way love or was cursed by her parents for marrying the wrong person, this can also lead to constant failures in relationships with the opposite sex. For example, many illnesses are very often associated with parents, and by the way, finances too. Since the volume of financial flow depends on how much we are accustomed to receiving since childhood, and if we have been limited since childhood, then we can give up on money: it is not there, never was and never will be, since becoming rich in this case, for the subconscious, means betraying your parents. And so on...I can talk about this for hours, because this topic worries me very much, because whether we want it or not, the mistakes of our ancestors affect us. And in order not to repeat their mistakes, it is necessary to realize everything that happened to them and give it a place
