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A correspondent for Novorossiysk Rabochy (the oldest newspaper in our city) asked my opinion: “Tatyana Valentinovna, what do you think about the fact that parents of children often smoke. There was an anti-smoking campaign at school, during which conversations were held with children, then they drew pictures, then walked around the area and talked with people who smoked, finding out the reasons. During the conversation, one girl said that smoking a cigarette together brings parents closer and helps make peace. And then the correspondent formulated more clearly: 1. What else can bring parents together?2. What to do to prevent smoking among teenagers?3. How do you feel about the law banning smoking in public places? I don’t know what the correspondent will write from what I said. And the experience of dictating my opinion over the phone shows that often after replacing what I said with a synonym, the phrase acquired a completely different emotional and stylistic sound. Therefore, I sat down at the keyboard to express my true thoughts on this issue. 1. Brings parents together, especially their children. Joint discussion of their successes and failures, joint discussion of payment for the child’s development, clubs, trips. Shared values ​​and the ability to look in the same direction, common family goals bring spouses together. Interesting leisure time together. The ability to support and respect each other. We will not mention sex in this context, because after all we are talking about parent-child relationships. When in the evening the family gets together and talks, discussing the past day, news, bitterness and good luck. Possible ways out of conflicts and difficult situations. Cooperative activity. This is what is one of the important bringing together factors. If a child saw that his parents were making peace during smoke breaks on the balcony... As they say, the truth speaks through the mouth of a baby. Maybe parents should diversify their joint interaction? And one more aspect. Mindfulness. Understanding that not a single thought of ours, not a single action of ours remains without consequences. And about the consequences of unconscious smoking by parents who do not think about how it will affect the child, even on his future life, success, health. After all, parents are the very Significant Ones, who, by the way, are also unknowingly copied by children. 2. Mother Teresa once said: “If I am called to a rally against the war, I will not go. I will go to a rally for peace.” So am I: I’m not interested in discussing the topic of anti-smoking. I will support the topic of a healthy lifestyle with pleasure and will enthusiastically participate in actions aimed at spreading this lifestyle. It’s stupid to fight something. When we fight, we strengthen THIS: shortcomings, bad habits, etc. If we are to prohibit something, then there should always be SOMETHING INSTEAD. Instead of smoking: maybe free sports clubs for children from low-income families, sports events and competitions. Well, we talked with teenagers about smoking, found out in the nearby area the opinions of smokers and those who observe it and are passively poisoned by inhaling tobacco smoke at bus stops. They checked the box and held the event. What next? It would be much more effective to hold sports competitions for children together with their parents, relay races. Or maybe a trip to nature. Where everyone would run and inhale. We have improved our health. We need to make fashion for a healthy lifestyle. To build a clear structural system for improving the nation’s health through sports and physical education. But what happens in reality: Shishkarev did not get elected in some of the next elections and funding for the School of Brazilian Football immediately stopped. The school was closed and talented teenagers were dispersed to famous clubs in the country. The guys from the clubs write that the conditions are much worse than they were at the School of Brazilian Football. If you look at the issue from the perspective of the world begins with you and don’t wait for action from the government, then you can organize evening jogging for your family and go on hikes. Ride bicycles or roller skates. And there is an example of such families.?
