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“Separation” has already become a common noun. We are grappling with this separation, which must happen or our whole life will go downhill. Psychologists push for separation from parents, identifying separation as a great problem and a vital necessity, and as a consequence the need for personal long-term therapy. Let’s try not to rush. We separate from our parents, and this happens in any case, this is a natural process of development. The older the child is, the more he lives his own life and the further he is from his parents, whether the parents and the child want it or not. Even the quarrels with parents themselves speak of the process of separation. The changes happening to us are not noticeable - we ourselves do not see or do not want to see how we are growing up and are already ready to make all decisions ourselves and have all the necessary skills and knowledge, but we ourselves cannot accept and realize it! Yes, it’s scary, before you could hide behind your loved ones, but how is that now? Other people already respect us and give us credit for what we say at these moments, do you remember? “No, I’m not ready yet, I need to study, I need to ask...”, another course, another consultation. By the way, this is how clients become hooked on psychologists and go to them for years. For them, the psychologist becomes like an alibi so as not to do anything in their lives. We ourselves hold on to our parents, we ourselves slow down this very separation, and, in fact, our own development! And, really, what kind of development are we talking about if we constantly turn around and ask permission. Remember how in the sandbox: - “Mom, can I play with this girl?” and after the answer: “Of course!”, we boldly go and play. And, it’s not about the parents anymore, it’s about understanding, or if you want, about realizing that you yourself are already a “parent” and you need to start (you can) yourself already... teach others! And, talking about separation, as well as resolving this issue, is nothing more than taking oneself and one’s energy away from the real issue, the issue of making a decision for oneself... for oneself!
