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I’m sure you know someone in your immediate circle who has not been spoiled by life, who is truly unlucky. Has he experienced more than one tragedy in life - the loss of a loved one, illness, disability, loss of a job, financial collapse? But this person continues to challenge life in a positive and optimistic way. With a smile on his face, he continues to walk forward. Artists often turn their pain into art. But there are other, ordinary people, full of vital energy, despite and despite failures, losses and misfortunes. These are people who have developed psychological resilience. Mental resilience is the ability to cope with tragedy, trauma, and significant life stressors. This means that psychologically resilient people can maintain their mental health despite adverse life circumstances. Mental resilience does not mean that a person does not experience emotional pain, stress and trauma. Mentally resilient people experience all of this. They just react differently. The good news is that mental toughness can be learned, and it takes time and focus. What is important and how you can improve your mental toughness1. Admit what you feel. Write it down on paper, or better yet, say it out loud. It's normal to experience a range of emotions. It is normal to have dilemmas and contradictions. It's normal to have better days and worse days. When things happen that unsettle us, it is important to admit to yourself how you feel. Sometimes suppressed, unexpressed, denied emotions are revealed, most often in the form of physical symptoms.2. Life is unpredictable. Life is in constant motion and change, uncertainty is high. Psychologically stable people know this. They know that nothing lasts forever. Everything is instant. Both good and bad. Therefore, life must be lived one day at a time. Take the best of it. And see change as an opportunity.3. Proactivity is the key to success. Mentally resilient people know that even when it seems like we can't do anything, we can do something. Artists and musicians have the ability to transform pain into art. Find your superpower to turn “bad” into “good.”4. Humor is a mature defense mechanism. People who don't take life or themselves too seriously succeed. They can laugh at their mistakes as well as at the accidents that happen to them.5. Learn from your past. Remember similar moments or events that have already happened to you. How did you overcome them? What helped you the most? Who helped you? “I survived then, I will survive now!” Just stay awake, live and be in the moment.6. Good books, pleasant places that relax you, and physical activity are also supports. Allow yourself proper rest, travel, everything that gives you resources and replenishes your energy. The greater the internal resource, the better we cope with difficulties and withstand tests.7. You have the right to support. No one should have to go through difficult times alone. It is important that you have at least one person who understands you and is willing to listen. If you are alone, seek professional help. This is not a sign of weakness, but a wise, mature decision.
