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The influence of self-esteem on our lives If you take a closer look and begin to analyze every difficult situation, it turns out that in one way or another the problem is directly or indirectly related to self-esteem. Self-esteem affects all areas of life, including relationships, career and health. It defines a person as an individual and partly shapes his social status. Good healthy self-esteem is the key to success. It's bad when it's too high, but even worse when it's low. With low self-esteem, a person is most often not so confident in himself that even his positive qualities and well-done work seem insignificant to him and to those around him, since often, in order for others to appreciate your contribution, you need to be able to correctly and beautifully communicate and do it making your work visible to others. An insecure person often prefers to minimize communication with others, because he considers himself boring, stupid, not worth attention, etc. What is wrong with low self-esteem? It hinders career advancement and financial well-being, since a person with low self-esteem does not value his work and does not accept praise. He cannot lead and negotiate with other people because he does not feel equal and valuable, does not understand or devalues ​​his talents, his abilities and many of his excellent competencies. It interferes with building relationships and creating a family. It happens that a person with low self-esteem suffers from loneliness, because he considers himself unworthy of love, enters into codependent relationships or spoils good relationships with mood swings, jealousy, excessive distrust and constant demands for his partner to prove love. It worsens relationships with family and even close friends. People around them think about a person the way he presents himself, that is, he shows the world information about himself and often this is what he thinks about himself. There are, of course, very insightful, observant and sensitive people who will notice and understand what a wonderful person you are, but not everyone can do that, so what is important is how and what we broadcast about ourselves to the world and others. It has a negative impact on health. For example, psychosomatic diseases may appear. Or, for example, a person who lacks self-confidence often slouches and has problems with the spine. Or, due to lack of confidence in oneself and one’s appearance, one is embarrassed to go to the gym or to the pool, etc., and thus this can also have an impact on health, physical fitness, and endurance. The quality of life decreases. This is a consequence of the first point. If a person saves on himself and does not consider himself worthy of certain benefits, then he cannot improve his living conditions and make his life bright, rich and interesting. That is, low self-esteem can be an obstacle to personal and professional fulfillment due to internal limitations. To prevent low self-esteem from negatively affecting life, you must, firstly, admit that you have a problem, and secondly, outline steps to solving this problem. For independent study: Think about where you can start changing your attitude towards yourself? What small but good thought or opinion about yourself can you allow yourself to think and appropriate. When thinking or looking at yourself, turn your attention to the best that is in you and focus less on what you do not love or accept about yourself. You can look for something good in yourself and try to admire exactly this in yourself. Praise yourself for the smallest achievement and remember your uniqueness. Check your surroundings. Spend more time with really close people who are always on your side. With your psychologist, think about how to minimize the presence of toxic critics, abusers and envious people in your life who damage your self-esteem. Map out the path to this wonderful goal for yourself; it is clear that not everything can be done instantly. Say “no” more often. When an offer comes in, ask the question, “Is this really what you want?” If not, feel free to talk about it. If you can't, then it's time!
