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You may remember our discussion about why a child absolutely needs your attention, where I called on parents to become “cod liver”. In addition, many parents have probably already read about the results of an experiment conducted with modern teenagers. Participants in the experiment - young and very young people and girls - in a sober mind and strong memory, agreed to spend eight hours (continuously) alone, with themselves, without using any means of communication (phone, smartphone, tablet), without turning on the computer or other gadgets , as well as radio and TV. All other human activities - playing, reading, writing, crafts, drawing, modeling, singing, playing music, walking, etc. - were allowed. 68 teenagers took part in the experiment, of which only THREE were able to complete the task to the end, that is, they stayed alone with themselves for eight hours. The teenagers explained the reasons for interrupting the experiment in a very monotonous way: “I couldn’t take it anymore,” “It seemed to me that I was going to explode,” “My head would explode.” Twenty girls and seven boys had direct vegetative symptoms: hot flashes or chills, dizziness, nausea, sweating, dry mouth, tremor of the hands or lips, pain in the abdomen or chest, and a sensation of “moving” hair on the head. Almost all of them experienced anxiety and fear, in five of them it almost reached the point of a “panic attack.” Three had suicidal thoughts. The results are amazing. However, you can complain as much as you like about children’s dependence on the Internet, nevertheless, to a large extent, the fact that our children do not know how to occupy themselves is the fault of the parents, that is, you and me. Firstly, we do not find time for in order to be with our children, we wean them away from live communication, and, secondly, if we do find such time and find ourselves alone with our children, we don’t know what to talk about with them and don’t even imagine what you can play with them. Concerned parents are offered a free course that will remind you of 24 games of varying degrees of difficulty, for which you only need a notebook and pen/pencil. Twenty-four ways to spend time with your child in an interesting, fun and educational way. Twenty-four evenings together! PS And bonus!
