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When a child has a lack of emotional communication with his parents, he witnesses quarrels and abuse, does not receive proper care and love, his attitude towards the world will become negative. It implies that he is not loved, that no one can be trusted and the world has not accepted him, there is no place for him in it. Sometimes, the life of parents and baby can change, not for the better, despite the successful completion of pregnancy and childbirth. This applies to cases of congenital or acquired pathological changes in the baby’s body. It is impossible to be prepared in advance for such events. Decision-making in such cases must be careful and deliberate. For parents, the birth of a handicapped child is a serious test, the burden of which they may have to bear throughout their lives. Fearing responsibility or feeling guilty, a spouse may leave the family, become addicted to drinking alcohol, or even make a mutual decision to abandon the baby. A case study. A family came in for an appointment: Dmitry, 25 years old, and Tatyana, 23 years old, married for a year, had a child with cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy). There is a tense situation in the family related to caring for the child and his future development, since it is difficult for parents to realize that the baby is different from other children. Request: help learn to accept the child for who he is. As a result of the conversation, it was revealed that both parents have a guilt complex for the birth of a defective child and Tatyana’s unpreparedness for the birth of a baby. As it turned out later, Tatyana’s unpreparedness for childbirth was caused by her late birth. Her mother gave birth to her at the age of 39, so Tatyana thought it was too early to give birth at 23. A conversation aimed at getting rid of the guilt complex was held with both spouses and separately with Tatyana, emotional figurative therapy on readiness for childbirth and accepting a child. The spouses found in themselves strength to become happy parents to their baby, which they told about six months later. After six months, when the child can sit in a crib, he becomes even more interested in the world around him. New opportunities arise to reach out to something or grab something. Such actions may well lead to punishment, but is it fair? An incident from life told by my client. In the evening, I put the child in his crib and went to cook him porridge. Next to the crib there was a switched-on floor lamp; since the child had not yet stood on his own legs, I was not afraid to leave him alone. But then I walk into the room, and my porridge flies to the floor, and I scream, “Come on, you’ll get burned,” to the child, who is happily standing in the crib and holding on to the floor lamp. The baby got scared and cried. Then my client believed that he had done the right thing. But when I asked her to imagine herself in the child’s place, she was overcome with horror at her own action. The kid tried his best and was able to stand on his own legs, even using the floor lamp! He was incredibly happy about his achievement! And I ruined everything, screamed and made me cry. Unfortunately, emotions are difficult to control, especially when you are very worried about your loved ones, but if adults are able to understand such concern, then children are not. For them, any achievement brings joy and happiness, even if, in the eyes of an adult, it was accomplished in a dangerous way. To be continued.
