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Manipulation is a psychological strategy or tactic that is used to influence another person's thoughts, feelings, or behavior in order to achieve one's own interests. Manipulation can range from skillfully disguised actions to open attempts to control other people. Life is full of various relationships and interactions, but they are not always honest and sincere. Manipulation can undermine our autonomy and psychological well-being. However, by understanding the signs and strategies of manipulators, we can learn to defend ourselves and maintain our freedom. Signs of Possible Manipulation: Untruthfulness: If interactions with another person make you feel like they may be hiding the truth or telling lies, this may be a sign of manipulation. Excessive Praise and Promises: If someone constantly praises you or makes overly good promises, be wary - this may be an attempt to gain your trust and influence. Using guilt and obligation: Manipulators may make you feel guilty or make you feel like you are indebted to them. something. Reversing the Victim Role: They can skillfully play the role of the victim to gain your compassion and sympathy, while masking their true intentions. Defense Strategies: Self-Awareness: Regularly analyze your feelings and thoughts in interactions with other people. If something makes you unhappy or in doubt, pay attention to it. Setting Boundaries: Define your personal boundaries and rules. Don't be afraid to say no if you are asked to do something that violates your boundaries. Interrogative Approach: If you suspect you may be being manipulated, ask clarifying questions. This can help make sense of the situation. Positive reinforcement: Build your confidence and self-esteem. The more healthy self-esteem you have, the less likely you are to be manipulated. Verified Information: If someone suggests you do something or make decisions, check the information and try not to make decisions based on emotions. Support Network: It is important to have close friends who can trust you. Discuss with them situations that cause you doubts. Protecting yourself from manipulation is a process that requires vigilance and skill development. It is important to remember that you have the right to your individuality and freedom of choice, and no one should influence you without your consent. - Nikolay Ustimenkopsychologist, Gestalt consultant book a consultation
