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From the author: I will say this without lying: it makes me sad to look at people who think of themselves worse than they really are... It’s sad, and it also makes me feel compassion and desire to tell them: this is not so, you are magnificent simply because You Are... We each had our own childhood, our own experience and life path. The main thing that connects us is that we all carry in our Souls the pain we received before birth, during the process of birth and growth, and up to the present time. There is no person who does not bear this pain. We only differ in the depth and number of injuries received. Pain received, perhaps, from ordinary misunderstandings in human communication. It seems that we are talking to each other about the same topic, but if you dig deeper, it may turn out that everyone is talking about their own things and does not hear the other. The pain of rejection and criticism, the pain of betrayal and injustice is what keeps a person in the grip of negative emotions. From birth, we learn basic ways of behaving, reacting, listening and speaking. We get used to it and incorporate it into the structure of our personality. On the basis of this, our stereotypes, attitudes, and rules are formed. This is fixed and goes inseparably with us throughout life. And it is no longer clear where we are and where our “conclusions” are. And, meanwhile, they greatly limit us and do not allow us to fully live Life and enjoy it. Undoubtedly, having started our own family, we enter it with our own ideas, experience, expectations, attitudes, stereotypes. Well, if your marriage partner turns out to have views different from ours, then a struggle is inevitable. A lot of wisdom is needed to understand another and accept his expectations and attitudes. And then children appear in a young family. Whose behavior and thinking patterns will they adopt? Of course, your parents. And if we consider that most families are destructive families in which irreparable harm is caused to the child’s psyche (of course, not on purpose, but more out of ignorance), then such children grow up and continue to carry the accepted experience and model into their lives. And so it continues from generation to generation, this movement in a circle. Either a specialist (psychologist, psychotherapist) or some kind of life shock can help you get out of this circle, which can suddenly awaken your dormant consciousness and then personal changes will begin. Some people are changed by spiritual practices. We live and do not know that life is much brighter and more interesting than we see it. Reality is limited by our level of consciousness at the moment. Many live their whole lives like this, without even suspecting that it could be completely different, happier, fuller, whole. By seeking help and working through past traumas, the client receives: The opportunity to gain responsibility over his own life; Confidence in the future (that no matter what happens, I will survive); The ability to create healthy equal relationships with a partner; The ability to raise a healthy child’s personality; Interest in life in general; The ability to interrupt the transmission of negative attitudes to your children; Healthy adequate self-esteem; If you remain with the traumas accumulated over the course of life and don’t work on them, if you are not confident in yourself as a person, what can you pass on to your children? ….Only what you yourself possess, which means that your children will bear the burden of your problems in addition to their own. Do you need this? Is this the kind of future you want for your beloved children?...The time has come and now it depends on you: you can and must, for the sake of yourself and the happy future of your children, for the sake of a better and more fulfilling life, STOP RUNNING IN A CIRCLE, get out of it and become a True example to your children .Please leave comments! Thank you!Share on vk
