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Social phobia (social anxiety) - fear of getting close to people, a tendency towards self-isolation and loneliness, confidence in one’s own inferiority: “I’m strange”, “I’m boring”, “I’m stupid”, “I’m uneducated”, “I’m ugly”, etc. A person subject to such anxiety is afraid that he will look stupid, ridiculous, unworthy, inappropriate. If rapprochement occurs, then unconscious attitudes are triggered: “they will only love me if I do what he wants,” “I can’t say no,” “I must always agree,” “what if they notice some kind of flaw in me?” and rejected,” “I must avoid all those places and relationships in which I could be exposed.” At the heart of all social phobias is the fear of negative evaluation from other people. Social phobias are often combined with low self-esteem.------------------------------------------ ------------------------🆘What will definitely help maintain social anxiety:📍avoid situations where you have to “be in sight”, 📍carry with you pills “just in case”, 📍take someone with you for company, 📍be located near the exit so that you can leave unnoticed, 📍control your speech, behavior, body, 📍do not look at your interlocutor/other people. ️It’s best to write down your assumptions on what could happen to you, attend the event, and then write down the reality. Look, did everything come true in the colors in which you imagined it?! ‼️Meet your social anxiety, it will begin to subside!--------------------------------------- ---------------------------PS ❕The key question of interaction, if it went awry, is what in my words, actions, intonation led to that they didn’t react to me the way I wanted.❕Understand! You don’t know how to read the thoughts of others - “they definitely think that I...”, tell yourself: “I don’t have that ability, I don’t know what they really think.”❕Relax! Even if you really say something stupid, nothing bad will happen, don’t catastrophize.
