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Adaptation is the process of adapting the system, and the organism, including, to changing environmental conditions. This implies that the performance and internal stability of the system, as a whole, is preserved, but some of its characteristics undergo changes. Adaptation refers to both the process of changes in the system in the process of changes in the environment, and the result of this process - as a certain state of equilibrium with the environment after adaptation. Social adaptation is a complex and multifaceted process that never stops (after all, changes occur constantly, both in external social processes and in the process of normal development of the body, in particular, growing up). Anxiety is caused by cases when balance does not occur for a long time, and this complicates a person’s activities and disrupts the system of his relationships. Personality is an actively operating and improving system that changes the world and changes itself. At the same time, people have a choice of different adaptation strategies. In full accordance with the dialectical principle of unity and struggle, without which there is no development, the individual strives both for unity with society and for isolation from it, for defending one’s own significance and independence. The adaptation process goes through three conditional stages in its development: - the individual’s awareness of the conflict - the inability to act with the same methods in changed conditions, - the stage of actively searching for ways to resolve the conflict with the environment, - and the stage of achieving a result, that is, temporary equilibrium with the environment at a new qualitative level. At the moment, we are interested in the second stage - the stage of choosing an action strategy Having noted an existing contradiction, a person recognizes it as a problem and experiences discomfort. In an effort to get rid of discomfort, he comes into conflict with the external or internal conditions of his existence, that is, he tries to change the rules of interaction with the environment or with himself. And then it’s time to choose strategies, the standard set of which is often found in the literature: avoidance, denial, compromise , cooperation and competition [4]. If we think more generally, then in these strategies we can see two main positions: active and passive. An active position is an attempt to change those factors that are the basis of the contradiction, to transform internal or external conditions in such a way as to achieve satisfaction. There are different paths within this position. Constructively constructed activity should lead to the resolution of contradictions and to the accumulation of life experience, to personal growth. Untargeted, spontaneous activity does not lead to such a result and, therefore, is destructive. Activities that cause harm to oneself or others are also destructive. A passive position is either a renunciation of one’s interests and concessions, or leaving the situation. Care can be either physical - change of environment, or virtual - fantasies, use of psychoactive substances. The main thing in a passive position is the lack of personal growth (and sometimes even degradation). At the same time, outwardly a person may look well adjusted. In fact, there is an increase in internal conflict, which is fraught with further violations of behavior, relationships and psychosomatic disorders. During crisis periods of history, a person has to be pliable in order to comply with the rules and not disrupt the efficiency of the functioning of society as a whole. For example, in wartime, society lives according to the “anthill” principle, where everyone has a strictly defined role, the violation of which threatens the death of the entire community. We do not agree with the authors who consider such a device to be passive. If a member of society consciously goes to perform the function assigned to him, understanding that this is necessary for the purposes of the development of society, and finding in such collective activity opportunities for self-realization, self-esteem and personal growth, he cannot be denied an active life position, a focused, constructive and productive=21725
