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A short continuation on the topic of discussions about body image. We have already discussed what body image is in general in the previous article. Today we will talk about how our self-image is connected to our self-esteem. The relationship between self-esteem and body image is a rather problematic story that concerns many in our time. Self-esteem is the overall opinion of oneself, and body image is how a person views their physical body. These two aspects are always inextricably linked and seriously influence each other. Especially under the pressure of surrounding opinion. Self-esteem plays a huge role in self-understanding and self-acceptance. If a person has a low opinion of himself, this can easily lead to a distorted perception of his appearance. Such people often tend to downplay their strengths and exaggerate their weaknesses, which can lead to the development of complexes, insecurities and even the development of eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. On the other hand, positive self-esteem promotes self-confidence and a positive attitude towards one's own body . People with high self-esteem are more likely to accept themselves for who they are and do not strive to meet some unrealistic beauty standards. They can accept their shortcomings as part of themselves and not suffer because of them. It is important to understand that the process of accepting oneself is different for everyone. This can be long-term work with your feelings and perceptions of yourself and others. You shouldn’t push yourself and reproach yourself for your experiences. To improve your self-esteem and improve your attitude towards your body, you need to work on your inner world. Study it. Try to listen exactly to the needs of your body. Our body knows us much better than we know ourselves. It will always tell you when something is going wrong. Let’s finish by saying that every person is unique and beautiful in their own way, and that an ideal body does not exist. You need to learn to accept yourself for who you are and not compare yourself to others. Nobody says it's easy and simple. But here it is important to move in small steps and not rush.
