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Healthy weight. How to start the path to beauty and health correctly. In the last decades of the twentieth century, the problem of excess weight began to be seen as an issue of both beauty and health. A lot of programs have appeared and are appearing that guarantee weight loss. All sorts of weight loss recipes are offered, starting with long-term diets and ending with advertising of teas, cleansing measures and pills, by drinking which you will “quickly and without problems” lose kilos. Numerous medical and non-medical centers are developing holistic complexes, following which you will almost certainly lose weight. And we must admit that these centers have no shortage of clients. People want to lose weight for various reasons. Some people care about their image, others are concerned about their health. The reasons are different - the result is the same: healthy weight. But not everyone achieves this result easily. Practitioners in the weight loss industry claim that the success of this fight is described by the so-called “Law of Five Percent”: only five percent of those who want to lose weight actually take this path. Only five percent of those who joined lose the required number of kilograms, and only five percent of the winning heroes can maintain the new weight for a long time. Why is that? Why is the problem of excess weight still not solved, since the reasons are known and there are plenty of ways to combat it? To answer this question, remember that excess weight occurs when more food is consumed than necessary. It is clear that by bringing this balance back to normal, we should hypothetically completely get rid of excess weight. And this is correct - hypothetically. In reality, it turns out that the body is a much more complex mechanism, the work of which involves multi-level cause-and-effect relationships, so bringing one of the factors causing the problem of excess weight back to normal is not enough; you need to deal with a whole conglomerate of them. Excess weight can be a consequence and a result some diseases - in this case, only a doctor can and should solve the problem. If there is no disease, a doctor is still needed to assess the degree of neglect of one’s own body, and the most acceptable level of psychological and physical stress that a “person losing weight” can afford, since numerous methods of combating excess weight include both a minimum-restriction program nutrition and increased movement. If the decision to lose weight has been made, the next question arises: “Where to start?” And it must be said that most people lose their resolve at this stage. The fact is that we all have an internal fear of change - any kind. The new carries with it the unknown and therefore is initially frightening. Whether it's about changing habits, thinking, or emotions, most people become afraid, and as a result, people take on a new business in the completely wrong way. The mistakes here are typical: 1. Fear of the unknown leads to the fact that a person puzzles himself with the upcoming task, burdening his imagination with frightening images of how far he will have to go, what a waste of energy and struggle lies ahead. This prevents the implementation of the best-laid plans.2. People begin to doubt success from the very beginning. They begin to ask: “Am I capable of this? ”, thinking: “Can I do this?” What is lost sight of is that the first steps have already been taken, and we only need to move forward.3. Often people start making excuses, finding fictitious reasons why they should give up what they started: “We have excess weight in the family,” “It’s an innate predisposition: to gain weight, I just need to look at food,” etc. All this also leads to self-condemnation, the result is a decrease in already, as a rule, low self-esteem.4. Another mistake is hasty conclusions. A person starting a new business often becomes picky and demanding. He condemns every minute, criticizes every stage of the process, thereby introducing into it manynegative emotions, not giving new processes the time necessary for implementation. If you start with any of these points, you are very likely to lose. All these are examples of how NOT to start something new. If you still cannot brush aside such positions, try the following. Remember the stubbornness that your parents or nature have endowed you with. Then get really angry with yourself. Get angry at yourself for playing such stupid games with your brain. Decide which of you is in charge - you or your gray matter and begin the process of achieving a healthy weight. You need to start the process of change with firm confidence that you will succeed. That the goal is achievable. That the process of moving towards the goal will be soft and supported by pleasure. The latter is necessary so that you, in principle, can enter the process. We have in our arsenal only two ways to achieve the desired result: the path of the Stick and the path of the Gingerbread. The path of the Stick is any diet. A person begins to struggle with excess weight, reproaching himself with every piece, scolding himself for everything - for the lack of willpower, for the lack of desire and diligence. A person shows all kinds of dissatisfaction with his appearance, sometimes reaching the point of hatred. This creates a vicious circle. Constant dissatisfaction with oneself leads to chronic stress, which in itself contributes to the accumulation of fat as a source of additional energy needed to combat stress. Typing so. weight, the person who chose the path of Whip tries to further punish himself more severely. Such a severe punishment is a diet that implies qualitative and quantitative restrictions on food. But the punishment cannot last forever. After torturing himself (successfully or unsuccessfully), a person returns to his usual diet - before the diet, and as a result, both his weight and metabolism return to their original state. Again the choice appears - leave everything as it is, again take the whip - diet, or find an even more sophisticated way to “tame” the body? And this process can continue indefinitely. It’s impossible to win here, and it’s not a lack of will or other wrestling qualities. Simply by choosing the path of Knut, a person, in principle, fights with himself. With each defeat, lowering your self-esteem, which is already initially low due to dissatisfaction with appearance. The reasonable solution here seems to be to abandon the Stick and prefer the Gingerbread path. By choosing the Gingerbread path, you abandon the principle of “must”, “must”, “must” and replace it to “I want”, “it’s nice”, “it brings pleasure”. You stop speaking about yourself in a disapproving and disrespectful manner, or hurting yourself physically and mentally. No criticism, no comments and no remorse. It is the renunciation of struggle that gives birth to a miracle. The body, accustomed to saving in reserve in case of punishments and restrictions, after some time (it’s different for everyone) understands that the war is over and becomes one with you. From an adversary he turns into an ally, who is also tired of the confrontation. This does not mean that using Gingerbread you do not limit yourself. This means that you motivate yourself differently. There are various ways to create positive motivation and a mindset for success. When people ask me the easiest way to lose unwanted weight, I say: “Fall in love!” The body itself will begin to remove barriers between you and your favorite object. Well, but seriously, in order for the problem of finding a healthy weight to be solved in principle, you need to know the following. There are psychological reasons that prevent weight loss. It is necessary to begin this process by first understanding them. Thus, it is difficult to quickly lose weight gained after severe stress, since the body uses it as an emergency reserve in case of a repeat of this. It is difficult and harmful to lose weight gained after psychological trauma without psychological help, since in this case fat plays a “protective function,” reducing a person’s sensitivity and even physically separating him from the world. Difficult
